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Maples and Calder supports Young Caymanians at GYLC

GYLC-UNMaples and Calder has once again committed to support three young Caymanians who will attend the Global Young Leaders Conference (GYLC) in Summer 2013.

Ciara Henry, Ryan Japal and Henry Hill each received a contribution of US$500 toward their registration and related attendance costs for the conference.

Ciara Henry is involved in several extra-curricular activities, including the Leo Club, Duke of Edinburgh Program and the Junior Achievement Program, and is active in the sport of badminton. She elected to sit her CXC Mathematics and English exams one year earlier than scheduled, in which she obtained distinctions. Ciara has aspirations of becoming a lawyer and hopes this experience will expand her cultural awareness and further develop her leadership skills through interactions with the prominent men and woman who will be lecturing at the conference. Ciara is a year 11 student at Clifton Hunter High School and will be attending the GYLC in China.

2992_76329953500_100396_nRyan Japal, also a year 11 student at Clifton Hunter, will attend the GYLC in Europe. Ryan, along with Ciara, is one of only four students nominated to represent Clifton Hunter at the GYLC due to his leadership skills and consistently high grades; qualities which also contributed to his election as Prefect at the school. Ryan is looking forward to representing his school and his country at the conference, where he will learn valuable diplomatic and decision-making skills which he can apply to his future career.

Henry Hill also attends Clifton Hunter and is keen to expand his horizons with this unique opportunity to learn and exchange ideas in a multi-cultural setting. Henry’s European GYLC experience will commence at the end of June and includes a 14 day excursion with visits to Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Munich, Salzberg and Bavaria.

“Maples and Calder places high value on assisting promising young Caymanians who demonstrate a desire to advance themselves as role models for their peers,” said Paul Lumsden, Managing Partner of Maples and Calder. “Ciara, Ryan and Henry have emerged as ambitious and talented individuals who are willing to enhance their leadership abilities as they gain further knowledge at the GYLC. We wish them well in their future endeavours.”

The GYLC is a unique leadership development program that brings together outstanding young people from around the world to build critical leadership skills in a global context. Offered annually, participants can attend sessions in the United States, Europe or China where they will analyse concepts surrounding communications, diplomacy, law, human rights, peace, security, economics and the role of the United Nations. Students return home from GYLC with a greater understanding of their roles and responsibilities as citizens and future leaders in an international community.

About Maples and Calder

Maples and Calder is a leading international law firm advising financial, institutional and business clients around the world on the laws of the Cayman Islands, Ireland and the British Virgin Islands. Maples and Calder has offices in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Dubai, Dublin, Hong Kong, London and Singapore.

With a reputation as an innovative, entrepreneurial firm, Maples and Calder is known worldwide as a market leader with highly qualified lawyers who are specialists in their respective practice areas.

About MaplesFS

MaplesFS is a leading specialised fiduciary and fund services provider. MaplesFS has offices in the Cayman Islands, Delaware, Dubai, Dublin, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Montreal and New York.

MaplesFS is led by a team of experienced professionals and is committed to providing a high level of service tailored to specific client requirements.



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