STEP Appoints Judicial Member
The Honourable Anthony Smellie, Chief Justice of the Cayman Islands, has recently accepted an appointment as a Judicial Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). The Council of the Cayman Islands branch nominated the Chief Justice, noting that his great contribution to trusts law jurisprudence would be acknowledged and honoured with the offer of this appointment.
The Chief Justice joins a number of other leading judicial appointees, and is only the second Justice to be offered this membership in the Caribbean region; the other being Justice David Hayton of the Caribbean Court of Justice.
Speaking on behalf of STEP Cayman Islands, Chairman Nigel Porteous said, “It is with great pleasure that I report the Honourable Chief Justice Smellie’s acceptance of this distinction. The Chief Justice’s appointment reinforces the position of the Cayman Islands as one of the most significant jurisdictions in the trusts world; Cayman Islands law being the law of choice for vast numbers of private trusts as well as crucial commercial transactions. The assurance of a sound judiciary in the Cayman Islands is a crucial factor for many in selecting their jurisdiction of choice.”
STEP has over 18,100 members based in 87 countries from a broad range of professional backgrounds, including lawyers, accountants, trust specialists and other practitioners in this area.
The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) is the leading worldwide professional body for practitioners in the fields of trusts, estates and related issues. STEP members help families plan their long term financial future, facilitating good stewardship and financial planning across future generations. STEP members also help families comply with the often complex tax rules surrounding trusts, estates and inheritance.
STEP is a unique professional body providing members with a local, national and international learning and business network. STEP provides education, training, representation and networking for its members.
Full members of STEP are the most experienced and senior practitioners in the field of trusts and estates. Members advise clients on the broad business of the management of personal finance.