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Yates is back in the news

John-Yates-British-police-officer-VNNEx assistant commissioner John Yates of Scotland Yard is in the news again concerning the murder of Daniel Morgan after the UK’s Home Secretary has ordered an inquiry into his death and the police investigation.

Yates was the police chief who oversaw the Operation Tempura debacle that resulted in not one successful prosecution and with the Scotland Yard team dispatched from the Caymans.

In 2009 Met Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates quit after growing pressure amid a UK phone-hacking scandal.

Mr Yates checked the credentials of Neil Wallis before the Met employed the former News of the World executive, arrested over hacking claims.

He said his conscience was clear and had “deep regret” over his resignation.

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From The Independent By Paul Cahalan

The murder of Daniel Morgan: A crime the police wouldn’t solve

Former head of counter-terrorism says case of 1987 killing is ‘one of the most shameful in Scotland Yard’s history’

34-shamefulcase-PASuccessive senior officers at Scotland Yard failed to unearth massive police corruption and allowed the killers of a private detective to remain at large in what may be “the most shameful episode in the Metropolitan Police’s history”, a former Scotland Yard assistant commissioner has said.

Writing in The Independent on Sunday today, John Yates, the former UK head of counter-terrorism, said Met bosses were guilty of following others’ decisions “without proper review or reflection”, leaving the family of Daniel Morgan fighting for justice for more than a quarter of a century.

“Successive Met hierarchies were guilty of [group-think] regarding this murder… The result was the further alienation of a family that already thought that the police were guilty of an appalling cover-up,” he said. “For more than 25 years they were lied to, fobbed off, patronised and dismissed as crackpots by the very people who should have been helping them – the police. The result? A family have been denied justice and guilty men today are walking free. It is one of the most, if not the most shameful episodes in Scotland Yard’s history.”

Daniel Morgan, a 37-year-old father of two, was found with an axe in his head in a south London pub car park in March 1987. His family believes he was about to expose corruption at the highest levels of the Met, including revealing their close links with sections of the media.

In 2011, the trial of three men accused of the murder collapsed. After five police inquiries, acting Met commissioner Tim Godwin accepted that police corruption had shielded the killers.

On Friday, the Home Secretary ordered an independent panel, chaired by the former appeals court judge Sir Stanley Burnton, to examine the case. Sir Stanley will look at claims that in 2002 the News of the World placed the head of the Morgan murder investigation, former Detective Chief Superintendent David Cook, under surveillance – allegedly on the orders of an executive. It is said the now defunct paper followed Mr Cook and his children and “blagged” his personal details from police databases as well as trying to access his, and his then wife’s, voicemail.

Speaking earlier this week, Mr Cook said the murder was as serious a case for the Met as that of Stephen Lawrence, which, widely regarded as a watershed moment for the force, led to it being accused of institutionalised racism. “Instead of race being the issue, this time it is about corruption,” he said.

Mr Cook’s former wife and former Metropolitan Police detective Jacqui Hames, who presented Crimewatch between 1990 and 2006, told The IoS yesterday: “I wholeheartedly agree with John Yates… We police ‘by consent’ in this country, and the public are in danger of withdrawing their permission if a culture of proper openness and transparency isn’t established as a result of this case.”

Mr Yates, who had overall responsibility for the case from 2006 until the collapse of the trial in 2011, said the Morgan family had been “treated quite disgracefully… The theory that Daniel was about to expose serious corruption and drug-dealing between police and private investigators, and was murdered because of it, is a theory that will never be tested before a jury.”

The announcement of an inquiry into the murder of Daniel Morgan vindicates those who made dark allegations against the powerful

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Background story from The Independent

Daniel Morgan: A shameful case, but this time the family won’t be ignored

By John Yates

The Home Secretary’s announcement of an independent panel to review the murder of Daniel Morgan is a victory for his family. And about time too. From the moment that Daniel was murdered they knew something was very wrong with the police approach. For many years they were lied to, fobbed off, patronised and dismissed as crackpots by the very people who should have been helping them – the police. The result? A family have been denied justice and guilty men today are walking free. It is one of the most, if not the most shameful episodes in Scotland Yard’s history. Hard lessons need to be learnt.

Let’s examine the facts: Daniel was murdered in the car park of the Golden Lion public house in Sydenham, south London on 10 March 1987. An axe was embedded in his head. Daniel had been a partner in a private investigation agency called Southern Investigations. As was the practice in those days, the initial police response was led by the local crime squad. At its head was one Detective Sergeant Sid Fillery, an officer long suspected of serious corruption. Soon after the murder, DS Fillery “interviewed” Jonathan Rees, Daniel’s partner in Southern Investigations, about his movements on the night in question and his knowledge of what happened.

It is no exaggeration to say that the investigation was fatally undermined from this point. The family knew this but were ignored. Because what DS Fillery chose not to tell his senior officers was that he had been moonlighting and working for Southern Investigations at the time. Soon after the murder he retired from the police on medical grounds and joined Mr Rees as his partner. Both men, along with others, have been arrested and charged in connection with the murder – in Mr Rees’s case, twice – but on each and every occasion they have been acquitted. The theory that Daniel was about to expose serious corruption and drug-dealing between police and private investigators, and was murdered because of it, is a theory that in all likelihood will never be tested before a jury.

There have been five police inquiries into the murder and, to date, nobody has been brought to justice. I had overall responsibility for the case from 2006 until the collapse of the last trial at the Old Bailey in March 2011 and know, better than most, that this is likely to remain the case. The judge said at the time that it was one of the most complex cases ever to come before the courts in this country and he was right. He also said that the police had “ample grounds to justify the arrest and prosecution of the defendants”.

More than 750,000 documents were assembled, mostly not computerised – not only material gathered in the direct police investigations into the murder, but alsoduring scores of other cases involving serious crime where either the defendants or potential crown witnesses had been involved. The criminal justice system simply could not cope. The people who knew what had happened – criminal supergrasses – were so tainted that the Crown was never in a position to present them as credible witnesses. The archiving of relevant paperwork of old cases by Scotland Yard was also managed in such an appallingly chaotic way that the Director of Public Prosecutions was forced to conclude that he could not guarantee that the defence had access to all the relevant material. There has never been a better illustration of the old adage that it is better 99 guilty men go free than one innocent person go to prison.

Sir Stanley Burnton’s appointment to lead an independent panel to examine the case is a tacit acknowledgment that all criminal justice routes to resolve this case have been exhausted. Unencumbered by the demands of the court processes, he is likely to identify the key issues very quickly. With notable exceptions, he will not make the mistake of successive police investigations and several generations of politicians and ignore the family. Daniel’s brother Alastair, his mother Isobel and his sister Jane are remarkable people. Articulate, educated and probably, until Daniel’s murder, natural supporters of the police, they have been treated quite disgracefully. It’s not the court they would have chosen but they deserve their day and I expect their collective testimony to be explosive.

Sir Stanley will also forensically examine the role of the police. This will not be comfortable. In fairness to Scotland Yard, there was a clear acknowledgment by the mid-Nineties that police corruption was, if not at the heart of the case, a contributing factor. Determined and creative efforts were made to obtain the evidence needed to put people before the courts. The trouble was that they never acknowledged this to the family. The word “groupthink” gained currency during the Leveson inquiry – the slavish following of one decision without proper review or reflection. Successive Met hierarchies were guilty of this in this case. They continued to treat the family as the enemy – part of the problem rather than the potential solution. The result was the further alienation of a family that already thought the police were guilty of an appalling cover-up.

The panel will also pay particular attention to the role played by Detective Chief Superintendent Dave Cook. He led the case from 2002 and did more than anyone to bring the right people to justice. A feisty and outspoken individual, he was also an extremely able and committed detective. Most importantly, he won the trust and respect of the family. Disturbingly, he provides an astonishing link between Southern Investigations, the News of the World and phone-hacking when, in July 2011, it was revealed that the paper had used the detective agency to tail Det Ch Supt Cook and his wife at the height of his involvement in leading the murder investigation.

Daniel Morgan’s murder provides a field day for conspiracy theorists. Most conspiracies are more cock-up than conspiracy. The case of Daniel Morgan is altogether more disturbing, as the closer you look, the worse it gets. Sir Stanley’s panel is the right forum for all these issues to be ventilated. Theresa May was right to announce its formation and the family deserve nothing less.

John Yates is a former UK head of counterterrorism and executive director of G3, the Good Governance Group.

For more on this story go to:

Editor: Yates claim of “police corruption” contradicts an ex-Met officer who spent three years working on the cases in a private capacity operating on behalf of the family who thought the police investigation was “botched from day one”.



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