Progressives declare they are behind their leader
In response to the strange implied assertion by the Coalition for Cayman (C4C) in their press release on Wednesday (15) that there were members of the Progressives (PPM) who were unhappy with their party’s leadership, the Progressives have unified around their leader, Alden McLaughlin.
They have issued a Declaration – see attached – stating:
We the undersigned candidates of The Progressives give the public our highest assurance that we stand unreservedly behind our choice of leader, Alden McLaughlin.
For anyone to suggest otherwise is to try to mislead and deceive the public.
We find it curious that the group from which this political mischief is coming has no named leader of its own. The Progressives has a constitution, which is founded on the highest democratic principles. Our leader Alden McLaughlin was elected by acclamation at our Annual Conference in March and has the full support of the Party and each and every one of us.
We will not be sidetracked from our mission to represent the good people of Cayman by the spurious claims of a group that has failed to gain the broad-based support of Caymanians. We ask the voters not to fall for their wicked attempts to cause disharmony among us and to cause you to doubt our loyalty.
We join our leader in giving the public the guarantee that we will work with anyone, chosen by the people, who share the views and philosophy to which we subscribe. Like him, we too believe in the principle of honesty, integrity in office, transparency, accountability and compassion for our people.
It is signed by all fourteen of the Progressives candidate standing in the May 22nd General Election