
iLocal News Archives

Letter to the Editor from Kearney S. Gomez, Supervisor of Elections

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As Supervisor of Elections I would like on behalf of all my elections officers and myself to extend to you and your colleagues a most sincere thank you for all you have done in promoting the 2013 General Elections.  Evidence of this was the low number of spoilt ballots in the George Town electoral district, with electors voting for up to 6 candidates.

I am forwarding the Supervisor’s reports in compliance with section 61 (2) and (4) of the Elections Law, which has been forwarded to be Gazetted.  You may wish to publish these reports as well for public information.

The Deputies and myself would also like to thank you for all the years that you worked with us as team members.  Without your support we could not have reached out to the electorate in such a far reaching way.  We leave the Elections Office with many fond memories of our many interactions with you.  Continue to offer this support to our successors.

Best regards,

Kearney S. Gomez

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