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Thanksgiving service for Enid Bernard

Bernard 1It was a sad occasion when family and friends gathered together at Elmslie Memorial United Church, on the waterfront, George Town, Grand Cayman on Saturday 1st June 2013.

They were there for a service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Enid Claire Bernard who died unexpectedly during a ‘minor’ procedure to remove a gall stone at the South Miami Baptist Hospital, Florida, USA on May 14th at 3:30pm.

Obituary of the late Enid Claire Bernard

Enid Claire Bernard nee Cameron, late of 98A Shedden Rd, George Town, Grand Cayman, was born on the 17th day of June 1938 in Belfield, St. Mary, Jamaica.   She was the second child born to the union of William Cameron and Alice Cameron nee Caum.

Her brother, Isaac Roy Cameron, unfortunately passed away at the age of two years and for all intents and purposes, she grew up as an only child. Her father William passed away when she was young and she was raised by her mother, with her three uncles James, Charlie and Felix. She was especially fond of her uncle Felix, who was nearer her age, and who lavished her with attention and played many pranks on her.   She always recalled the time he removed all the presents from her Christmas stocking and replaced it with a big padlock.

BernardEnid attended the Belfield primary school and the St. Mary High School.   After high school she went to commercial school in Port Maria.  As a child she attended Sunday school and church at the Anglican Church in Belfield.  She was later confirmed as a member of that church. In her early years life was tough and Enid assisted her mother in the fields and her Uncle’s shop to eke out a meager living.   Enid was preparing to enter nursing school when she met the love of her life and future husband, Vernie Evert Bernard from the Cayman Islands.  Vernie had just graduated from the Jamaica School of Agriculture and had opted to work there for a year after, with the Jamaica Ministry of Agriculture.   He was visiting Belfield with some of his schoolmates, her cousins, when they met.   It was like love at first sight. Vernie returned home in 1957 and went to sea for one year.   When he returned home in 1958, Vernie and Enid were united in marriage in Jamaica on August 6, 1958.  The young couple returned to reside in Cayman.  After their return to Cayman, Vernie opted to again go to sea for another two years during which time Enid worked for the Merrens and assisted with the welfare of her father in law, Mr. Reginald Bernard.

In 1965 Vernie was granted a United Nations Scholarship to study Agricultural and Veterinary Science at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and the couple moved there to live for one year.   Enid remembered her time in Trinidad with much fondness and looked forward to again visiting that island; unfortunately she never got around to doing so. Enid was a very outgoing and friendly individual.   She made friends easily and relished entertaining her many friends and family.   Whenever someone would visit her home they could not leave without first being offered something to eat and drink … most times she insisted on it.   She was a very caring and giving person who gave generously to worthy causes and the less fortunate in the community.

Enid was an active and well-loved member of the community.  She was a dedicated and active member of her church, the Elmslie Memorial United Church.  For some years she assisted at the Pines Retirement Home. She also played an active role in the Happy Seniors Club and the Shedden Road Community.  She was a dedicated, loving and devoted family woman.  She gave unreservedly to her husband, mother Alice, adopted son Tony, adopted daughter Pearline and “Special Children” Alex, Gwen, Francine, Emalie and Sonie. She was especially fond of her grandchildren Brandon, Kristen, Bradley and Ashley and they adored her.  Enid had a special bond with her sister in law Nanette Bernard and Nanette’s sister Maise Ebanks and brother Louis “Doc” Ebanks.

Enid unexpectedly passed away at the South Miami Baptist Hospital in Miami on Tuesday, May 14,2013 at around 3:30 pm during what was thought to be a “minor” procedure to remove a gallstone.  She is preceded in death by her husband Vernie, brother Isaac, father William, brother in law Winton Bernard and uncles Felix and James. Left to mourn are her mother Alice, devoted son Tony, daughter Pearline, daughter in law Beverly, son in law Thomas, grandchildren Brandon, Kristen, Bradley and Ashley, favorite nephew Dennis, nephew Lloyd nieces Angela and Novelette, grandson in law Ian, sister in law Nanette, special friends Maise and Louis, “special children” Alex, Gwen, Francine, Emalie and Sonie and a host of other relatives and friends, including her Church family. Enid had an undivided love for the Cayman Islands and it’s people.  She had the unique ability to win many friends over the islands that shall remember her with much fondness.  The people of Cayman mourn the loss of this wonderful kind and Christian woman who came into their lives. She will be remembered always by the people of Shedden Road.

Enid feared God and loved her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Over the years she have stated over and over again that in the event of her death, we should not mourn for her because she has been very blessed and have lived a good and full live and, further, that she knows in whom she believe and where she will spend eternity.  Instead, she asked that we celebrate the time she spent with us and her homecoming.


Officiating ministers were Rev. Dr. Dave Hazle, Rev. Dr. Yvette Bloomfield and Pr. Alson Ebanks. Organist was Denver Bloomfield and the pianist was Zoe Bodden.

The songs of praise and worship included “Above All Powers”, “Majesty Worship His Majesty”, “Bind Us Together Lord”, As the Deer”, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”. “When We All Get to heaven”, “How Great Thou Art”, and “Amazing Grace”.

The scripture reading read by Ronnie Roach was taken from Psalm 34.

Alson Ebanks and Nadine Mathurine both sang solos and the Obituary was read by Lucille Seymour.

Tributes were read from the Special Children, Sister-in-law, Louis ‘Doc’ Ebanks, Grandchildren, Daughter & Son-in-law, Mother and Son & Daughter-in-law.

Dr. Hazel gave the sermon and the Benediction whilst Yvette Bloomfield read a Prayer for the Family.

Enid Claire Bernard was 74 years old when she passed away just one month shy of reaching 75.


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