Dep Gov and CO Minutes 10th June show need to relocate staff
It further said,” A number of entities will not experience any changes to personnel, whilst others will increase or decrease in size. The Deputy Governor will be meeting with each Chief Officer to discuss these issues. It was noted the formation of new Ministries provided an excellent opportunity for Staff development. It was agreed that training and development of Staff, together with succession planning would be taken into account when determining the transfer of Staff. The Deputy Governor stressed that every effort must be made to utilize existing staff and not to increase the size of the Service by hiring new staff.”
Another major item was on a travel policy government is planning that will cover overseas trips for public servants.
The minute reads:
“The travel policy, which is designed to implement service wide standards for assessing whether travel is required; and managing travel expenditures within the Civil Service, was discussed and amendments put forward. The policy will include a travel rate sheet which outlines the per diem amounts for travel and includes the need for a Business Case requiring the Department to justify any need to travel in order to effectively achieve their business objective, as opposed to using a travel alternative. The policy also sets the Class of travel that Civil Servants can access when travelling overseas. The final copy of the policy will be presented to the Deputy Governor for consideration next week. In keeping with his commitment for greater transparency and accountability the Deputy Governor expressed his desire to release the document to the public after sharing with Staff.”
Other items discussed were:
The 2013 CIG Summer Intern Programme
The Orientation for Ministers and Councilors (went exceptionally well)
Prudent Use of Appropriation in June 2013
The Chief of Staff has retired from the Civil Service
The Ministry of Finance is currently in the process of finalizing the appropriation for the pre—appropriation period.
Chief Officers were asked to ensure that Performance Assessments are completed for staff who are relocating to other areas.
The 21st Annual Flowers One Mile Sea Swim
The whole of the 10th June 2013 Minutes are attached.