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Minister Tibbetts Begins Tours

k bldg_0053Government’s vehicle licensing department and its energy-efficient headquarters were the stops on Minister Kurt Tibbetts’ first round of official tours since being elected.

Responsible for Planning, Lands, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure, Mr. Tibbetts recently met staff and learned about key issues relating to these agencies. He was accompanied by a team from his Ministry.

At the Department of Vehicle and Driver Licensing (DVDL) the Minister saw the department in action at first-hand, and discussed topical issues with Director David Dixon and his 36 staff members.k - Minister & Director

Topics on the agenda included the requirement for pre-approvals before the importation of heavy equipment, as well as plans to extend the vehicle licence service (but not inspections) to the district post offices.

Some 38,000 vehicles are registered in the Cayman Islands. In addition to the services at DVDL, the department licenses several private garages to inspect automobiles and heavy equipment of up to 10 tons.k Outside DVDL

At the five-storey Government Administration Building (GAB) – which was a key project during his previous term in government – Mr. Tibbetts witnessed the intricate array of high-tech equipment and environmental control systems that ensure a safe and comfortable work environment for the building, which can accommodate over 1,000 workers.

Facilities Management’s Acting Head of Department Troy Whorms and Building Manager Adam McLaren escorted him on a behind-the-scenes look.  In the control rooms they explained the automated Building Management System (BMS) which controls the engineering suites, and cooling plants that support one of the central data systems.

k Meet InspectorsOne of the Caribbean’s only self-contained automated BMS-driven Computer Room Air Control Systems, it requires few staff to manage, as the internal plant management and troubleshooting programmes do most of the work, by identifying and prompting pro-active action on technical issues.

In 2012 these and other innovations earned GAB a silver-rating for ‘Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design’ (LEED) among certified ‘green’ buildings. The USA rating-system considers a building’s design, construction and high-performance operations.

Completed in 2008, within-budget, GAB has a 60-year lifespan.

a bldg comps_40A milestone in building technology for the entire region, the building benefits from greed renewable features such as the use of geo-thermal and heat-recovery systems. Energy-generating heat is harnessed by an innovative technology ‘air-transfer’ system.  ‘Daylight harvesting’ allows ambient light to supplement the electric lights.

In terms of local power generation, the two-megawatt system is second in size to Caribbean Utilities Company’s (CUC’s) facility.

Other efficiencies include a state-of-the-art telecommunications system. An internet-based communications programme comfortably manages all 1,500 telephone users throughout government, including an array of departments, such as Customs, Public Works, Children and Family Services, and the Courts Office.

In addition to large cost-savings in energy bills, the communication efficiencies alone now save hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

Photos:  Photos by Information Officer Lennon Christian

1  Minister Tibbetts in the GAB mechanical centre.

2.  DVDL Director David Dixon welcomes the Minister.

3.  Mr. Tibbetts greets constituents while on the DVDL tour.

4  Minister Tibbetts meets DVDL vehicle inspectors.

40   (L) Acting Facilities Managements Head Troy Whorms and Building Manager Adam McLaren explain the nerve-centre to Mr. Tibbetts (not pictured).



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