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Newly qualified Caymanian teachers induction session

NQT Induction Session 012The Ministry of Education, Employment and Gender Affairs welcomed 15 Newly Qualified Caymanian Teachers to the government education system on Tuesday, 20th August 2013.  These teachers will be taking up posts in primary and secondary schools in Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac.

A Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) Induction Session was held at the Government Administration Building to greet the new Caymanian teachers and introduce a programme of support for the upcoming school year.

Acting Minster for Education, Hon. Winston Connolly expressed his delight to have the group join the teaching fraternity.  He said …“my mother was a teacher and I understand the hard work and dedication that is involved in the profession.  The quality of teaching is the most powerful predictor of student success and the Ministry of Education is committed to ensuring that newly qualified Caymanian teachers are equipped with tools that will help them to be effective and successful”.

The NQT Induction Programme is an initiative of the Ministry designed to support new Caymanian teachers by providing a year-long bridge between initial teacher education, and a career in teaching.  Over the course of the year the teachers will attend monthly workshops targeting specific issues such as classroom management, literacy strategies, numeracy strategies and assessment techniques.

Cetonya Cacho, Manager of Initial Teacher Training noted that the teachers will be provided with opportunities to meet as a group to share successes and good practices.  In addition, each teacher will be matched with a mentor teacher.  The mentors are experienced teachers who will provide school-based support with instructional planning, understanding the curriculum and employing effective teaching strategies.

The Acting Chief Officer, Christen Suckoo said … “we recognise that there are unique challenges that teachers face during their first year of teaching, and we want to ensure that our newly qualified Caymanian teachers are provided with early and on-going support that is well planned to meet their needs.  By providing such support, we are setting them on the right path to meet the competencies set out in the Cayman Islands National Professional Standards for Teachers, and thereby ensuring that our students receive a quality education”

During the session, first year Caymanian teacher, Krishan Welcome shared her tips for a successful school year and provided words of encouragement.

Minister Rivers was on leave at the time of the Induction Session but left a gift for each teacher as a welcome to the teaching profession.

Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs website:

Photo Credit & Caption:

Photo Credit: Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs

Photo Caption:

Left-right: Acting Chief Officer – Christen Suckoo, Acting Minister for Education -Winston Connolly, Newly Qualified Caymanian Teachers – Mary Brown, Chollen Hurlston, Nicole Ebanks, Kristi Lee Scoot, Nadine Thomas, Kendriah Whyte, Shari Tyrell,, Desiree Powery-Tatum, Dresden Jackson-Bodden, Melisha McField, Jessica Willis, Ranel Grant, Martha McField-Crawford, Jennifer Hunter and the Manager for Initial Teacher Training – Cetonya Cacho



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