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A “Caribbean Innovation” for National Spectrum Plan Administration

Screen Shot 2015-08-05 at 3.48.59 PMAn important milestone was achieved in Dominica this week; the deployment of the much anticipated “Caribbean Solution” for telecommunications management. This innovative software system was designed and built over the last three years with the assistance of a number of Caribbean states including the NTRC in Dominica, NTRC in Grenada and MICA in Montserrat. Now for the first time regulatory authorities and commissions across the region have a system that meets the exacting demands of smaller Caribbean states region wide.

The “integrated Telecommunications Management System” (iTMS), now in use at the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) in Dominica, is the most advanced software available for managing the unique and complex challenges faced by smaller regulatory authorities all across the Caribbean. The fast pace of change in telecommunications and the constant growth in technologies involved often require that multiple operational duties are managed simultaneously. The iTMS is a crucial step forward. Mr. Craig Nesty, Executive Director, at the NTRC in Dominica stated that the “iTMS far exceeded my expectations”. The iTMS vision for a system designed to reflect Caribbean spectrum management practices and operations has been achieved. Mr. George James, Senior Spectrum Engineer and the NTRC Project Manager for the innovative software contributed; “the iTMS is even more promising than we originally perceived”. In 2012, the NTRC selected PW Consulting as the software design/build partner. The system enhances the commission’s ability to manage all aspects of spectrum use on Dominica, create a “knowledge repository” on all frequency use and optimize duties around the spectrum allocation and occupancy for all of the customer types that the NTRC serves.

The NTRC is responsible for managing all of Dominica’s valuable spectrum resource, telecommunications licensing and the allocation of spectrum frequency. Spectrum is the scarce resource that enables internet connectivity, mobile phones, aircraft and shipping communications plus broadcasters on AM, FM, and TV frequencies, along with a host of other telecommunications practices.

The integrated telecommunications management system (iTMS) Go-Live date was Wednesday July 29, 2015. The Canadian company, PW Consulting that built and installed the system celebrated the milestone with the NTRC staff over a wonderful meal in Roseau, Dominica.

About the NTRC Dominica
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of the Commonwealth of Dominica has been established to coordinate an effective regulatory regime to enhance the operation of telecommunications in the interest of the sustainable development of Dominica. Dominica is a signatory to the Treaty establishing the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL) which was signed in St. George’s, Grenada on May 4th. 2000 to promote open competition in telecommunications, harmonize policies on a regional level for telecommunications, and to provide for a universal service, fair pricing and the use of cost-based pricing methods by telecommunications providers. The NTRC office is located in Roseau and can be reached at 767 440 0627, via email at [email protected] or on the web at

About PW Consulting
A Canadian based company located in London, ON, PW Consulting has been operation in the Caribbean since 2001. The company provides fully supported enterprise wide systems for utilities, electrical and water, and telecommunications authorities across the Caribbean. PW Consulting offers proven and affordable “open source” technology platforms that are continuously improved. PW Consulting can be contacted at 519 657 7115, via email at [email protected] or on the web at

IMAGE: from left to right; George James Project Manager, David Winter PWC President, Craig Nesty, Executive Director, Austin Andre and Hilbert Alexander Spectrum Engineers, Clementine Josephs Administrative Officer, Vida Williams Clerical Assistant and Kiyanna Edwards Research Analyst photo taken by Jim Stewart PWC Vice President and Project Manager.


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