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A Positive Trajectory for Corals at Little Cayman Island

images-1By Carrie Manfrino, Charles A. Jacoby, Emma Camp, Thomas K. Frazer

From Plos One

The following are excerpts taken from a research article just published on Little Cayman coral reefs. To view the whole article pleas ego to:


Coral-Reefs-Grand-CaymanCoral reefs are damaged by natural disturbances and local and global anthropogenic stresses. As stresses intensify, so do debates about whether reefs will recover after significant damage. True headway in this debate requires documented temporal trajectories for coral assemblages subjected to various combinations of stresses; therefore, we report relevant changes in coral assemblages at Little Cayman Island. Between 1999 and 2012, spatiotemporal patterns in cover, densities of juveniles and size structure of assemblages were documented inside and outside marine protected areas using transects, quadrats and measurements of maximum diameters. Over five years, bleaching and disease caused live cover to decrease from 26% to 14%, with full recovery seven years later. Juvenile densities varied, reaching a maximum in 2010. Both patterns were consistent within and outside protected areas. In addition, dominant coral species persisted within and outside protected areas although their size frequency distributions varied temporally and spatially. The health of the coral assemblage and the similarity of responses across levels of protection suggested that negligible anthropogenic disturbance at the local scale was a key factor underlying the observed resilience.


Coral reefs occupy less than 0.01% of the marine environment, yet they harbor up to 25% of marine biodiversity, yield approximately 25% of the fish catch in developing nations, and generate up to 30% of export earnings in 100 countries that promote reef-related tourism. These benefits may disappear because coral reefs around the world are being degraded by local and global anthropogenic stressors that cause damage beyond that due to natural disturbances, such as large storms, hurricanes, exposure to unusually low tides, and freshwater inputs. Local anthropogenic stressors, including sediment loads, organic and inorganic pollution, physical damage, and overfishing, have their negative effects on corals exacerbated by stresses arising from global anthropogenic changes, such as bleaching in response to warmer sea surface temperatures, reduced calcification due to ocean acidification, and more frequent damage from storms as weather patterns become more extreme. In fact, local stressors threaten more than 60% of reefs, and threats expand to approximately 75% of reefs with the additional consideration of coral bleaching due to thermal stress.DIGITAL IMAGE

Such statistics have engendered debates about the sustainable management of coral reefs, including the value of marine protected areas with or without no-take zones. Managed areas of any type, even those with stringent enforcement, provide no direct protection from natural cataclysms and global perturbations. Nevertheless, managed areas of sufficient size and connectivity may promote resilience through bottom-up effects, e.g., by providing refuges for reproducing corals and enhancing regional recruitment through larval exchange. Moreover, protection from overfishing in no-take zones and protected areas that connect multiple habitats may generate beneficial top-down effects by fostering robust fish and invertebrate assemblages that include herbivores grazing on algae that could otherwise usurp the open space needed by coral larvae or regenerating fragments. Regardless of the mechanism, understanding the conditions that promote recovery of damaged coral reefs remains critical to the formulation of effective management actions.

Studies documenting recovery of corals have yielded mixed conclusions. Fine-scale surveys and experimental studies indicate diverse responses or the lack of a short-term response, which may be due to i) local oceanographic, meteorological and ecological conditions that ameliorate or exacerbate stress from disturbances; ii) variable growth and regeneration rates among coral taxa; iii) variation in larval supply; iv) differences in type and extent of the most recent disturbance; and v) unique interactions among coincident and sequential disturbances. Data analyzed in broad-scale meta-analyses also suffer from the effects of these influences, along with biases from the non-random placement of managed areas and significant variation in enforcement. Although two meta-analyses report little or slow recovery of corals in managed areas, one study describes increased coral cover within protected areas and decreased cover on unprotected reefs. In contrast, a recent study ascribes recovery from major disturbance to minimal local anthropogenic stresses and long distance recruitment rather than the presence of a protected area. Given these inconsistencies, there remains a need for long-term studies employing sampling designs that document conditions within and outside of managed areas. Eventually, a synthesis of relevant results will deliver insights required for sustainable management of coral reefs and the values they deliver.

As a contribution to this goal, this long-term study examines temporal trajectories for coral reefs in protected and unprotected areas off Little Cayman Island. All data were derived from nondestructive observations that were in full compliance with conditions set by the Cayman Islands Marine Conservation Board. Data collected during 10 of the last 14 years provide the basis for testing null hypotheses related to the interactions between marine protected areas and the effects of bleaching and disease, i.e., bleaching and disease led to no significant temporal changes or spatial differences in i) cover of live coral, ii) abundance of juvenile corals, and iii) taxonomic composition and size structure of live coral assemblages within and outside of marine protected areas.


Surveys spanning 14 years documented several ecologically significant results for coral assemblages off Little Cayman Island. Live coral cover decreased from 26% to 14% following thermal stress, bleaching and disease, but cover recovered to previous levels from 2010 onward. In 2010, significantly higher densities of colonies ≤2 cm in diameter provided evidence of a relatively large recruitment event. Minor changes in assemblage structure were detected via analyses of size classes of 26 species of coral, with decreases in some size classes documented after 2002 for species of Montastraea and M. meandrites, but not for other corals. In addition, only minor differences in assemblages within and outside marine protected areas were detected, with some size classes of some species more common within protected areas and others more common outside protected areas. Notably, temporal trajectories for all metrics did not differ significantly between locations within and outside marine protected areas, i.e., there were no significant interactions in the statistical analyses.

During recovery of live coral cover off Little Cayman Island, the increase from 14% to 20% between 2009 and 2010 and the increase from 20% to 25% between 2010 and 2011 were slightly less than the median increase in cover of 8% y−1 derived from previous reports of colony growth or colony recovery after a variety of disturbances on 67 reefs with <1% to 74% coral cover. Thus, recovery of live coral cover at Little Cayman Island was on par with recoveries reported from other locations, and it occurred at the same rate within and outside protected areas.

In combination, an increase in densities of juvenile colonies and increases in small colonies of 13 coral species highlighted a relatively strong pulse of recruitment. Throughout the 14 years, reefs at Little Cayman Island received reasonable numbers of recruits (2–12 m−2). In fact, these densities of coral colonies ≤2 cm in diameter were i) higher than records from the Great Barrier Reef where colonies ≤2 cm in diameter represented juveniles (0.1–0.8 m−2;); ii) similar to values from the Northern Line Islands where juveniles were designated as 1–5 cm colonies (1–10 m−2;); iii) lower than maximum densities observed in Jamaica where juveniles were classified as 2–4 cm colonies (1–212 m−2;); and iv) lower than maximum densities observed in Curaçao, Bonaire, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Florida Keys and Belize where colonies ≤5 cm were considered juveniles (1–44 m−2;). Numbers of juveniles were not significantly correlated with increases in live coral cover during the following year, which suggested the need for further investigation to determine how variation in prevailing oceanographic conditions affects recruitment and how recruitment relates to recovery of live coral cover.

Overall, the size frequency distributions of hard coral assemblages in protected and unprotected areas at Little Cayman Island remained relatively consistent, with 87% of the maximum differences among paired years being ≤2 colonies per 100-m, linear search area. Numbers of larger colonies of M. annularis, M. cavernosa, M. faveolata and M. franksi and M. meandrites decreased in years following bleaching events and disease outbreaks [9], but numbers did not continue to decline as reported for these species at other Caribbean locations. In addition, numbers of P. astreoides, A. palmata, C. natans, M. alcicornis, and S. siderea did not decline consistently during the years surveyed, which suggested resistance to bleaching and disease. At Little Cayman Island, P. astreoides and S. siderea were reported to suffer the lowest rates of bleaching and mortality, but the same species, congeners and A. palmata have been reported to suffer bleaching and mortality elsewhere. Perhaps, local oceanographic conditions, including adjacent deep water, ameliorated the effects of widespread thermal stress. Colony size, physiological condition and genetic variation also influence resistance to stress, with greater tolerance documented for some coral species, larger colonies and populations exposed to repeated stress. In fact, some larger colonies of massive species, e.g., Montastraea species, persisted at Little Cayman Island. In contrast, the relative absence of local stressors at Little Cayman Island would not enhance resistance. Nevertheless, local adaptation by corals can be promoted if phylogeographical barriers reduce gene flow across a species’ range, as reported for Caribbean populations of A. palmata. Further work is needed to disentangle the influences of genetics, physiology and environmental conditions on the persistence of coral colonies.

This study of coral reefs off Little Cayman Island demonstrated recovery after disease combined with regional thermal stress to cause a decrease in live coral cover from 26% to 14% over a five-year period. The temporal trajectories of the decline and subsequent recovery were similar within and outside protected areas, and the assemblage composition also remained similar across protected and unprotected sites throughout the decline and recovery. In addition, juvenile corals achieved similar densities within and outside protected areas. Key factors shaping recovery of corals off Little Cayman probably included the isolated geographic setting; stringent protection of a significant portion of the reefs resulting in healthy populations of herbivorous fishes and preservation of key trophic links; and minimal stress from local human activities.

Although any documented recovery of coral is encouraging, it is unlikely that such positive effects will spread throughout the Caribbean unless protection from local stresses is improved. Without such improvements, recovery from natural cataclysms, including those exacerbated by global change, remains unlikely. Ultimately, management of local and global stresses will be required to sustain coral reefs and ensure their capacity to recover from disturbance.


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