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 Alabama’s 2A Grades and Endorsements for 2024 Election Candidates/Worst States to be a Gun Owner (2024 Updated)/Concealed Carry Crime Stats 2024


 Illinois’ 2A Grades and Endorsements for 2024 Election Candidate

We released our “2nd Amendment Grades for Illinois’ 2024 Political Candidates” this week:

As you know, voters in Illinois who care about encouraging legal gun ownership in their state have a choice in 2024:

  • We dug into the Second Amendment (2A) stance of federal and state-level candidates in Illinois in battleground districts and high-profile races.
  • Grades are due to a candidate’s previous 2A voting record, public statements on their constituents owning firearms, and the candidate’s willingness to focus on 2A issues.
  • Grades have been assigned from A to F, just like in school.

Spoiler alert: Several of our grades surprised me as we often found an urban vs. rural divide – not a party-line divide – when it came to a candidate’s 2A stance.

To be honest, this was partially motivated by Everytown’s “Gun Sense” voter education initiative (i.e. propaganda campaign): And the fact that the NRA seems to be slow in releasing their grades:

Let me know what you think. If you have any questions about our grades and who we endorsed, just shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to answer any. 

Worst States to be a Gun Owner (2024 Updated)

With so many states passing new restrictive gun legislation, it’s challenging to keep up with the worst states for gun owners. Fortunately, we’re doing our best to keep up with the changes in laws in every state – not an easy task, let me tell you! – and our latest article highlights this year’s most anti-2A states.

For those in a hurry, here are the highlights:

  • Hawaii is the worst state for gun owners. The state has defied the Supreme Court, neglected the Constitution, and enacted strict legislation hindering Second Amendment rights.
  • California is the second worst state for gun owners due to its strict gun control laws, bans, and proposed legislation.
  • New York, Illinois, and New Jersey round up the top five worst states due to their extremely strict purchase and carry laws.

Check out all twenty-five states that comprise the worst states for gun owners here:

Americans need to know which states are infringing on the Second Amendment rights of peaceable citizens, and we’d love for you to help us spread the word!

Concealed Carry Crime Stats 2024

Now that 29 states have passed permitless carry legislation, you’re likely curious how those states are doing. We analyzed crime data from the past twenty years and discovered that permitless carry either lowered crime rates or stabilized them.

Here are a few of the highlights from our report:

  • 10 of the 16 states that passed permitless carry more than two years ago have lower violent crime rates today.
  • States with restrictive concealed carry legislation had a homicide rate of 5.4/100k in 2022, while those with permitless carry had a homicide rate of 5.8/100k.
  • Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming have lower homicide and violent crime rates a decade after passing the permitless carry legislation.

If you find this topic interesting, please read the rest of our findings linked here:


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