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All Government Financial Statements submitted on time

Meeting-minutes-pictureThe following are the Minutes of the Deputy Governor and Chief Officers from 26th August where it said “ All Government Entities have submitted their respective Financial Statements, for the 2012/13 financial year, on time for the third year in a row”.


Minutes Deputy Governor and Chief  Officers’  Meeting  26th August 2013


Attendees: Acting Deputy Governor – Mrs. Mary Rodrigues; Dr. Dax Basdeo; Mr. Ian Fenton; Mrs. Stephanie Azan; Mr. Kevin McCormac; Mr. Stran Bodden; Mr. Samuel Rose; Mrs. Sonia McLaughlin; Mrs. Leyda Nicholson-Makasare


Apologies: Mr. Kenneth Jefferson; Ms. Cheryl Richards; Mrs. Gloria McField-Nixon; Mr. Christen Suckoo; Mr. Eric Bush; Ms. Dorine Whittaker; Mr. Alan Jones; Ms. Jacqueline Wilson; Ms. Jennifer Ahearn


1.   Welcome


The Acting Deputy Governor welcomed everyone and prayer was offered.


2.   Formal Approval of Minutes


The August 12 meeting minutes were approved by all attendees for circulation.


3.   Matters Arising from the Minutes


There were no matters arising.


4.   Draft Staff Survey


Chief Officer’s discussed the pros and cons of two sample surveys and identified further research to be undertaken by Acting CO Fenton and to further refine the objectives in consultation with the Deputy Governor to ensure the most useful outcomes. A projected deadline for implementation and finalization was established. Consideration was also given to PR initiatives which would be undertaken to ensure maximum participation. A CO subcommittee will provide outcomes of research and detailed feedback to the Deputy Governor and agree next steps towards implementation.


5.   Any Other Business


 The Employee of the Year Reception will be held on 28th August at 6:30pm at

Government House.


 The Welcome Reception in Honour of Her Excellency the Governor, Mrs. Helen

Kilpatrick, will be held on 6th September.


 The Annual Education Professional’s Welcome was held this morning at the Mary Miller Hall. The preliminary Year 12 external examination results show continued improvements.  61% achieved 5 or more high level passes ( A-C or I-III) compared to 49% last year. Maths and English results have also improved.


 The Honourable Premier toured a number of the agencies which fall under the remit of the Ministry of Community Affairs, in the Eastern Districts and George Town. He is scheduled to tour those in West Bay on Friday.


 All Government Entities have submitted their respective Financial Statements, for the 2012/13 financial year, on time for the third year in a row. Chief Financial Officers were thanked for their hard work towards accomplishing this.


 On the 5-6 September the Civil Service will be participating in a Career Fair for CIFEC Students.


 A workshop with the Information Commissioner will be held on 2 September and will replace the regular CO meeting scheduled for that week.


Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm



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