AMEC Begins Environmental Testing Work
Multi-national engineering company AMEC Foster Wheeler is presently in the Cayman Islands conducting environmental testing work, for Government’s ongoing integrated solid waste management systems (ISWMS) project.
Over the course of a two week visit, from 6-20 April 2015, AMEC Foster Wheeler representatives will visit existing landfills on all three Cayman Islands. Installation of new monitoring wells and groundwater sampling are planned at the George Town and Cayman Brac locations.
Government’s ISWMS Project Manager Jim Schubert says that the visiting team’s findings will be compiled into a Landfill Site Environmental Review Report, which will be made available to the public when the Report is completed.
Video Stills: Courtesy CIGTV
1. Dust monitoring station.
2. Groundwater sample taken by Matthew Corcoran.
3. Dust monitoring station with Simon Howard and Jim Schubert.
4. A baled groundwater sample.