
iLocal News Archives

And the city burned

C. G Wilson

At the Cayman Writers Circle I was asked to write something on a burning city. It could be fiction or non-fiction.

The following story is true.

I have seen many pictures, films and videos of large fires burning but not, thankfully, witnessed one at first hand.

The nearest I have ever come to witnessing a big fire that involved buildings was some years ago here in Cayman that was almost in my back garden. And the area actually was and still is called a city so perhaps this story does fit the subject after all.

The some years ago I guess, is probably twenty years at least. I don’t think CITN had been on the air very long and searching Internet archives of both the TV station and Compass have produced nothing. Neither had an Internet site then.

I do, however, remember the event very clearly. And for one moment I was frightened. The fire was coming closer and out of control.

I was awoken early in the morning around 6am by the noise of sirens that could have been police or fire. It was actually both. I also heard shouting coming from the city. Dog City as it is known and it is immediately behind our garden to the north.

When I went outside to investigate I saw fire. Not much smoke nearly all flames and they were reaching up over the trees with burning pieces of wood and fabrics that was also being carried up by a light breeze. Thankfully, it was a LIGHT breeze but some did fall still burning into our garden.

Even from my distance away, I could feel the heat, but it was the shouts and screams that I will never forget.

For over half an hour the fire raged and it was getting nearer. It was in danger now of engulfing the apartments that were almost on our borderline. I could even visualize at any moment the trees and bushes that separated us from Dog City exploding into flames.

I had alerted our television news team to the incident but they were having difficulty not only because of the fire and the police presence, but the majority of the residents there did not want to be seen on camera.

It was with relief that the flames suddenly died down to be replaced by smoke and more smoke. I don’t think I have never been so pleased, if ever so, to witness and be near so much smoke.

The fire damaged many properties there but, thankfully, no one was injured. The fire brigade had efficiently and fairly quickly, in the circumstances, got it under control.

It showed me how quickly fire can start, can spread, and how frightening it really is.

Whilst this small event cannot in anyway be compared to a city burning I can say I was scared at it reaching my home. I have at least a better understanding at the terror there must be at a whole city burning and the horror people must feel at watching their home and possessions going up in a fiery furnace, knowing there is nothing they can do to stop it.

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