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Apostle 13 HUGE HIT!

Apostle-133-791x1024Colin Wilson’s final play “Apostle 13 and the Disciple of Demons” about the life of the little known Apostle Matthias and Mary Magdalene from the time they first met jesus and to their deaths proved to be a huge hit.

The audience clapped every scene and gave the cast of 30 a standing ovation.

Some audience members were crying and two said “it was beautiful”. Another said the music, the dancing (from Dance Unlimited) and the actors was lovely and outstanding.

Director and writer of the play Colin Wilson was called onto the stage to receive his personal standing ovation.

There are only three more performances left at St George’s Anglican Church Hall with an encore presentation on Monday November 9th at The Prospect Playhouse.

You really don’t want to miss this!!

Apostle-133-791x1024Apostle 13 Nov 9


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