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Appleby and STEP Bermuda draw top overseas lawyers for trust litigation seminar

timthumbKey speakers from overseas firm Baker & McKenzie and Barristers’ Chambers XXIV Old Buildings to address Bermuda’s trust industry professionals

Appleby recently announced that it will co-sponsor a seminar with the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners Bermuda branch (“STEP Bermuda”), and overseas law firm Baker & McKenzie and London Barristers’ chambers XXIV Old Buildings in Bermuda on Thursday 6 June.

‘Risky Business – A Trust Litigation Seminar’ will be held at Appleby’s offices and will focus on risk management issues with featured speakers Baker & McKenzie Partner Anthony Poulton and Associate Gemma Willingham, XXIV Old Buildings Barristers’ Elspeth Talbot Rice QC, Stephen Moverley Smith QC and Andrew Holden, along with leading trust lawyers STEP Bermuda Chairman Randall Krebs and Appleby Counsel Keith Robinson.

untitled(4)Delegates comprised mainly of STEP Bermuda’s membership — including trust professionals, lawyers, private bankers, investment brokers, accountants and family office managers — are expected to attend on 6 June to discuss risk factors affecting the industry during a time when the global economy, heightened competition from other jurisdictions and ongoing compliance policies create challenges for and place pressure on Bermuda’s trust industry.

Keith Robinson, Counsel in Appleby’s Litigation & Insolvency department, said: “We’re pleased to be able to host such high calibre speakers with international expertise here in Bermuda, each of whom will facilitate in-depth discussions around current risk issues affecting our industry. All of the presenters are highly-respected in their legal practices which include advising in respect of large international trust disputes and re-organisations, commercial litigation and insolvency, banking and finance, partnership and charities.”

Other speakers facilitating breakout sessions on 6 June are Appleby’s Private Client & Trusts team members Partner Vanessa Schrum, Counsel Michael Mello QC, Senior Associate Naresh Chand and Associate Caljonah Smith.

Vanessa Schrum, Appleby Partner who will be part of a discussion on using family constitutions and corporate governance for family trading companies, commented: “Bermuda has a formidable reputation as being one of the premier offshore jurisdictions in which to develop trust structures. Staying on top of recent developments in the trusts and private client practice area and staying competitive as a jurisdiction is what drives our business. With representatives from Baker & McKenzie, XXIV Old Buildings and Appleby providing insightful and practical commentary, this is an event not to be missed by trust practitioners. It is certain to provide the perfect combination of thought-provoking seminar sessions, together with ample opportunity for individuals to meet and network with fellow trust industry peers, enabling them to build on existing and new professional relationships.”

‘Risky Business’ seminar topics include:

Exoneration, firewalls and other risk management tools for trustees

Family dynamics, using family constitutions and corporate governance for family trading companies

The impact of family and divorce disputes on trusts

Creditors’ attacks on trusts and their assets to satisfy claims and judgments against settlors or    benefica     beneficiaries

Fixing historical mistakes

Selling Bermuda

Randall Krebs, whose three-year term as STEP Bermuda Chairman concludes after the ‘Risky Business’ seminar, added: “Events like this will continue to benefit Bermuda. It’s increasingly important that STEP Bermuda’s members continue their professional development and remain at the forefront of showcasing the Island’s capabilities and service offerings in today’s competitive market. STEP Bermuda’s focus has been to provide ongoing education for the local trust community, including monthly talks and presentations, our own STEP Bermuda conference recently held in February and excellent seminars like this one.”


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