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Attorney to Malzberg: Benghazi Whistleblower reassigned, demoted

0509-GREGORY-HICKS-sized.jpg_full_600By Todd Beamon, Newsmax

Benghazi whistleblower Greg Hicks has been demoted to a desk job for speaking out on the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks at the U.S. post in Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, his attorney said on Friday.

“He was offered a choice: no job or a job that doesn’t mean anything,” attorney Victoria Toensing told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV. “It’s a desk job.”

Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, testified on Wednesday before the House Oversight Committee about what happened that fateful night.

He challenged the State Department’s initial claims that the attacks were caused by a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamic video posted on YouTube.

Hicks, who was Stevens’ deputy, has since been reassigned to a desk job. And he could have that or no job at all, Toensing told Malzberg.

“It’s like telling a starving man, ‘Hey, you get this choice: You can either have no food or you get rotten steak. What would you like?'” the former federal prosecutor said. “Would you like a rotten piece of beef or no food at all?”

Toensing accused the Obama White House of trying to “destroy the messenger,” and that includes using various governmental departments and media outlets.

“Administration officials say he stalked the desk job he described as a demotion,” she said. “It’s just little old me out here — and they’ve got taxpayers’ money, the whole press office, and the whole general counsel’s office trying to do him in. It’s outrageous.”

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