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13 Year old Elisabeth’s Cayman Toy Drive:

“Spread some Joy with a Toy” From Elisabeth Bise (13) sent to iNews Cayman Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 12:28 PM The 25 Days of Christmas Toy Drive 2013 Spread some Joy with a Toy! I am back again and…

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1 December, 2013 World AIDS Day

The Caribbean Can Find the Model for Getting to Zero World AIDS Day provides us with an opportunity to publicly recommit to our pledges and declarations, as well as to the agreed goals and targets intent on accelerating the response…

iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iNotices iWorld News News

Dec 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Wear YELLOW on Monday in support of persons with disabilities. Monday 3rd December, 2012 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Help to remove barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all. Ask everyone to email the attached…

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RCIPS response to news of helicopter crash in Glasgow – 8 dead in accident

From RCIPS Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 9:32 AM The RCIPS joins with policing services throughout the world in sending condolences to all of those involved in the police helicopter crash in Glasgow, Scotland, last night. The helicopter involved is…

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EE, GT Conservation talks swap dates

GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands – The dates for public District meetings to discuss the proposed National Conservation Law have been a switched between East End and George Town. Gimistory is slated to be held in East End on Thursday, 5…

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Cayman Thanksgiving 2013 Message from Premier

Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin MBE, JP, MLA Two years ago we began a new tradition in the Cayman Islands – Cayman Thanksgiving – and set the weekend of the first Sunday in December as a time to celebrate, with activities…

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Cayman Marathon Sunday (1) and list of road closures

The Intertrust Cayman Islands Marathon 2013 is almost here. SUNDAY, 1 DECEMBER 2013, at 5:00am. If you want to take part there is still time, but only just. Registration for the 2013 Intertrust Cayman Islands Marathon, Half Marathon, Team Relay…

iCommunity iHealth iLocal News News Publisher's Choice

Flu Vaccine Still Available

So far about 1,400 persons have taken up the offer of a free flu vaccination from the Health Services Authority (HSA). The public can get the flu vaccine at any time between 2pm and 4pm weekdays when they visit any…

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Bill of Rights and the system of releasing prisoners on licence.

Ms. Natalya O’Prey, MBE, Head of Member Development and Practice at the England and Wales Parole Board conducted a two day workshop on how the Cayman Island’s Bill of Rights affects the parole system. Ms. O’Prey, in her previous role…