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carrots115 ways about how to balance hormone levels naturally

By Jenny Smith From Olwomen

Contrary to popular belief, hormones have a way to dictate your health almost single-handedly. On the other hand, hormones can give a much-needed boost to your health even if all other conditions are not optimum. Some hormones can even affect the moods of people; just ask a 13 year old kid, but be ready to run in the opposite direction when the screaming starts.

One obvious way to ensure correct balance is to take synthetic hormonal supplements, which can suppress the symptoms temporarily but may complement the development of other diseases such as osteoporosis and cancer and hence end up being more of an enemy than a friend.

With names like testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone, it’s no wonder why people actively avoid learning about them; even taking their names makes our tongue roll inside our mouth. But, for obvious reasons, they are imperative to our health and this article will aim to convey easy “natural” ways to keep your hormonal balance at the optimum level.

“15 do at home tips to keep your hormonal imbalance at bay. Try these tips and stay away from those hormonal pills. Some tips for maintaining your hormone levels.”
15. A Carrot A Day Keeps The Bad Mood Away
As it turns out, oestrogen is the main culprit when it comes to people having bad moods. It is a common misconception that oestrogen is only found in women or only affects women; oestrogen is in fact found in both sexes and can have a very adverse effect if found in excess.

Furthermore, pesticides and other chemicals are known as Xenoestrogen, a Xenohormone that can act as oestrogen and cause the same effect. These chemicals are present in the atmosphere and can easily disturb the oestrogen levels in our body.

That is where carrot comes in. Recent studies have proved that raw carrots contain a unique fibre that absorbs excess oestrogen and helps sweep it out of the body.

Eat at least one carrot a day but it should be raw and not cooked.
Try to squeeze the carrot in-between meals and not with the meals.
Do not eat baby carrots; they do not just have the same effect.
Do not juice it out as the beneficial fibre is left behind, eat it raw and whole.
Carrots can be replaced with bamboo shoots as they contain the same fibre but are really hard to find.
14. Limit The Caffeine
CaffeineSimply put; do not go overboard with caffeine because it can lead to elevated levels of Cortisol which in turn, can disturb the entire endocrine system especially if there are other hormone stressors for example during pregnancy or beneficial fat imbalance.

Replace your daily caffeine intake with herbal tea preferably match a green tea or tulsi tea.
Or couple your caffeine drink with a good fatty food like a tablespoon of coconut oil because it has the ability to emulsify most of the harmful caffeine molecules. Be sure to use a blender to mix the oil with the drink.
13. Sleep Well
Sleep EnvironmentA good night’s sleep can work wonders on your hormone levels almost instantly. A good and healthy sleep can improve your hormones and blood sugar level, making your mood better in the morning when you wake up and can have a positive effect on your professional life.

It is important to note here that hormones work on a tight schedule, for example, Cortisol which is regulated at midnight and which can be disturbed if a person sleeps late.

Here are some ways you can regulate your sleep cycle

Try to sleep at 10 pm and make a consistent schedule. Studies suggest that an hour of sleep between 10 pm and 2 am is twice as beneficial as an hour of sleep before or after that window in time.
Eat nuts an hour before you get to bed and avoid high carbohydrate snacks as they increase your blood sugar level and make it harder to fall asleep.
Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
12. Say NO To Vegetable Oils
Vegetable oilStudies have shown that most of the vegetable oils are loaded to the brim with omega-6, which is a fatty acid that is the main cause of organ inflammation. Though it is necessary to have some amount of omega-6 in our diet but an excess can cause a lot of problems.

Ideally, it is recommended that the omega-6/3 ratio should be 1:1 or 2:1 but not more than that but most people are consuming an average of 20:1 which is the root of all heart problems.

To keep this ratio within limits, it is necessary to:

Steer clear of all omega-6 rich foods such as sunflower oil, corn, canola soybean etc.
Include wild fish, flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts in your diet because they are rich natural sources of omega-3 and will balance the omega-3:omega-6 ratio.
11. Fix The Leaks
Fix the leaksThere is a condition known as leaky gut in which the walls of our intestine become permeable. This disease or syndrome can have a very troublesome effect on the digestive tract and also on the thyroid gland.

When undigested gluten leaks into a person’s bloodstream it causes widespread inflammation within our body especially glands such as adrenal glands and thyroid glands.

This condition can be treated by following methods

Add probiotics in your diet which are normally available as supplements, as they can repair our gut walls and also help regulate the production of insulin within our body.
Add following foods in your diet: bone broth, kefir and fermented vegetables.
10. Avoid Carbohydrates
Avoid carbohydrates
Experts suggests that “white” foods such as sugar, bread, alcohol, white rice, bagels, pasta and other sweet snacks can really disturb the hormonal cycle and can be the cause for multiple problems such as thyroid, depression, fatigue, infertility and hair loss among others.

Try to remove wheat completely from your diet for a month and then observe your mood
If the world seems like a better place, all of a sudden, then you have found your problem.
“15 ways to keep your hormonal levels balanced naturally without having to contaminate your body with the medicinal pills. A few tips and tricks which can be done at home to maintain the body’s hormonal levels.”
9. Include Fatty Acids In Your Diet
avocadoIncluding different varieties of foods rich in fatty acids is a sure-shot way of stabilizing our hormonal cycle while also speeding up our metabolism and promoting weight loss.

Try including the following foods to your everyday diet and then experience the positive change in your life

Coconut oils
Dairy products from animals that are grass-fed
Sea Food especially salmon
8. Use Adaptogens
Use AdaptogensAdaptogens herbs are a class of plants that have been proved to help in the production of useful hormones. These herbs are also especially equipped to relieve stress and fatigue.

Adaptogens are available as supplements and compounds but you never know what type of other ingredients are being used to prepare those supplements so it is better to stick to naturally occurring adaptogenic herbs.

Some of the adaptogenic herbs are listed below

Holy Basil
Panax Ginseng
7. Take A Look At What You Are Using
Take a look at what you are usingToxins used in certain products play a huge role in disrupting our hormone levels and you would be surprised to know that some cosmetics also contain these harmful toxins and are still available in the market.

One way to check for these toxins is to look for diethanolamine (DEA), parabens, propylene glycol and sodium lauryl sulfate among its ingredients and to steer clear of any products that have either of them.

Another such toxin that can harm us is BisphenolA (BPA) that is usually found in plastic bottles. So throw out all the plastic bottles and dinnerware and start using glass and stainless steel.

6. Burst Into Health
Burst into healthOne thing that makes a regular appearance in these types of articles is exercise, because believe it or not, exercise is one of the most beneficial thing that you can do for your body.

But the thing about exercise is that is releases a plethora of hormones into your body and can be harmful in some cases especially if you are already dealing with hormonal imbalance.

So it is better to exercise lightly like swimming and running instead of intense training and don’t forget to sleep for the appropriate hours as suggested above.

That being said, experts suggest that short bursts of heavy lifting can do more good than light exercise. But it should be kept in mind not to overdo it; 20 minutes three times a day is more than enough to keep you healthy.

5. Eat Egg Yolks
Egg Yolk RemedyMost people throw away egg yolks due to the fear of cholesterol but recent studies have suggested that in doing so people are actually throwing away a lot of nutrients down the drain.

Following are just some of the nutrients that are present in the egg yolk

Vitamin A: contrary to popular belief, carrots do not provide Vitamin A, egg yolks do.
Vitamin D: this works as a steroid hormone and keeps all the other hormones in check.
Selenium: this works as a key which unlocks the active form of thyroid hormones from the inactive form.
Cholesterol: usually considered as the devil, but in my opinion, wrongly misunderstood because lack of cholesterol has a strong correlation with depression and acts of violence, so the cholesterol in egg yolks helps balance the hormones.
4. Walk In Nature
A Nice WalkWalking in nature has proved to be an important factor in balancing the hormonal levels as the scenic beauty helps reduce the stress hormone (Cortisol) and boost the immune system. As mentioned before, high Cortisol level can create inflammation and can cause hormonal imbalance so whatever reduces Cortisol is a good friend of yours.

Walking also helps to flush all the toxins out of the system and provides exercise for multiple muscles without excess stress on a person’s mind.

3. Relax Yourself
Relax Your EyesThe most important thing to control hormonal imbalance is to relax your mind and this can be done by doing this exercise regularly.

Wear loose clothes for this activity.
Sit down in a quiet room with a window open to let in fresh air.
Breathe deeply through your stomach for 15 minutes
Repeat this procedure twice daily
Experts also suggest that all of us should dedicate half an hour of our day to relax our mind by doing mind-quieting exercises such as Primordial Sound Meditation to decrease stress hormones and help the body to function properly.

2. Liver – Your Saviour
LiverThis is also one of those things that appear quite frequently in articles of this genre and there is a reason; liver is considered as the most nutrient dense food on the planet.

But in this context, liver is used as the supplier for vitamin A that is the most valuable vitamin to balance hormones; it improves thyroid hormones directly and also keeps our liver running perfectly for the synthesis of other hormones.

As mentioned earlier, vegetables are not the most efficient source of Vitamin A, so please don’t buy into the myth of eating carrot to obtain Vitamin A; you will just be wasting your time.

1. Stop With The Hormonal Birth Controls
Stop with the hormonal birth controlsThis may seem as the best option but believe me it isn’t; nothing good can come off by intentionally disrupting your hormonal cycle.

“The Pill” and other such medicines can induce nutritional deficiency in your body and disrupt the functionality of your glands.

There are many other ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies; you will be well-advised to explore them before it’s too late.

OLWOMEN Note To Remember
All these tips and tricks will work fine of course, but none more so than being happy! So you can actually count this as the last and the most crucial tip: don’t forget to be happy, hug your significant other as often as you can because these acts release the “Happiness Hormone” oxytocin which can make your mood infinitely better. So Stay Happy, it will make you healthy.

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