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“Being So Loved”

“Being So Loved. A Theological Reflection on John 3.16” is the title of a 43 page book written by Physician Dr,. Glaister Bell.

Dr. Bell, using his own words,  is a born again Christian minister, having adopted Jesus Christ his personal Lord and Saviour at six years of old. His passion for the Lord and biblical teaching spurred him to obtain an MA (high distinction) in pastoral ministry in 2015 from Trinity Theological Seminary in India, USA..

His book “Being So Loved” is “A Theological Reflection on John 3:16“. “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whoever believed in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

A very well known passage that Dr. Bell states is for him, “there is no single verse in all of Holy Scripture so succinctly yet so profoundly and concisely captures this amazing love”.

He then writes five chapters, plus a Foreword and Reflection, that he hopes, will instil in his readers “five simple truths” that he has discovered by studying John 3.16.

These ‘truths’ he has called   “commitments to…..” :

  1. ……Crisis Resolution
  2. ……Condescension
  3. …..Communality
  4. ……Crucifixion
  5. ……Coming Again 

His Foreword recounts his life as a child growing up in the “beautiful island of Jamaica, going to Sunday School and learning the refrain ”Yes Jesus Loves Me For The Bible Tells Me So”.

He quips he didn’t understand it fully “and still cannot say I do up to this day”.

His Sunday School teacher painted the wonderful picture in his then impressionable  mind  of Jesus’ love for for himself and all humanity.

Dr. Bell firmly states there is no other book like the Bible. “It is God’s word to humanity”. “It is the book that accurately describes salvation history. He goes on, “Jesu Christ, God’s son, “redeemed lost humanity to himself. IT IS YET A WORK IN PROGRESS…”

Dr. Bell goes into more detail of God’ love and finishes with: “We’ll become  more acutely aware of what his love is and how it operates within. It is through the pages of Holy Scripture, when read, meditated on, that we become knowledgeable and become to understand this love – how matchless, measureless, boundless, and inexhaustible it is!”

Next comes the passage John 3.16 “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whoever believed in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

His book finishes with ,”Today, Jesus’ arms outstretched widely, beckoning the ‘whosoever’ to come find his way to and through Him. He is the only way to salvation……. That ‘whosoever’ status will instantly be personalised and recognised as His (Jesus’)when you simply say “YES” to Him.


Dr. Bell has also written “Destined to Succeed” that is the fruit of sermons and reflections of the author. I will also be reviewing this. Watch this space…….

Colin Wilson, Editor in Chief, ieyenews.

I urge you all to read this beautiful book. It is written with much love by a doctor who cares not only for his patients but for all humanity. It is available as a Kindle Edition at Services LCC Price US$7.99. You can also contact the author direct at

About Dr. Bell

Dr. Bell lives with his wife, Grace, in the Cayman islands.   He is HSA’s first Geriatrician. Formerly serving the HSA as a General Practitioner, Dr. Bell is responsible for the care and treatment of geriatric patients (aged 60 and over). He holds a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), a Doctor of Medicine (DM) in Family Medicine and has had subspecialty training in Geriatric Medicine all from the University of the West Indies (Mona). He has years of experience working as a Medical Officer in emergency departments and as a General Practitioner in Jamaica, Anguilla, The British Virgin Islands and at the HSA.


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