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Benedict to honour icon, meet Castro in Cuba

Crowds gather, Monday March 26, 2012 for Papal Mass by Pope Benedict XVI in the Plaza de la Revolución Antonio Maceo in Santiago, Cuba

SANTIAGO, Cuba (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI spent the night in a brand-new home built just for him near the sanctuary of Cuba’s Virgin of Charity icon, where he will kneel in quiet prayer early Tuesday before heading to the capital for political meetings.

The pope’s brief homage to the diminutive statue that many consider the symbolic mother of all Cubans — Catholics and non-Catholics alike — will take place in the morning in the small mining town of El Cobre.

Benedict planned to fly to Havana later to meet with President Raul Castro and possibly Fidel Castro, though that had not been confirmed. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who is in Havana undergoing radiation therapy for cancer, did not ask for an audience but would be welcome to attend Mass in the capital’s Revolution Square on Wednesday, a Vatican spokesman said.

Under a light rain late Monday, Benedict emphasised family and faith during a Mass celebrated before Raul Castro and tens of thousands of people including Cuban-Americans on a pilgrimage to the communist-run island.

“I appeal to you to reinvigorate your faith … that you may strive to build a renewed and open society, a better society, one more worthy of humanity,” he said in a country where Roman Catholics now account for 10 percent of the population.

Aides held a white umbrella over the pontiff as worshippers approached to take communion, and Castro climbed the stairs to congratulate the pope when the Mass ended.

The 84-year-old pontiff’s voice sounded tired and he seemed exhausted by the end of the day after a vigorous four days of travel. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, acknowledged Benedict’s fatigue but said his health was fine.

Just before the ceremony began, a man tried to enter an area reserved for foreign journalists shouting anti-government slogans such as “Down with the Revolution! Down with the dictatorship!” He was led away by security agents. It was not clear who he was or what happened to him. The government did not comment.

Benedict’s trip to Cuba comes 14 years after Pope John Paul II’s historic tour, when the Polish pontiff who helped bring down communism in his homeland admonished Fidel Castro to free prisoners of conscience, end abortion and let the Roman Catholic Church take its place in society.

The current pope arrived in the afternoon in Santiago to an airport reception that included a military band, an honour guard, a gaggle of robed clergy, Raul Castro and Cabinet ministers.

Benedict gently pressed the longtime communist leaders to push through the reforms desired by their people, while also criticising the excesses of capitalism. His words were subtle and appeared to take into account the liberalising reforms that Raul Castro has enacted since taking over from his older brother in 2006 and the greater role the Catholic Church has played in Cuban affairs, most recently in negotiating the release of dozens of political prisoners.

Pope Benedict XVI walks by the Virgen of the Chariry of Cobre as he arrives to celebrate a Mass at Revolution Square

The pontiff, who before starting his trip in Mexico said Marxism “no longer responds to reality,” said he hoped his visit would inspire and encourage Cubans on the island and beyond.

“I carry in my heart the just aspirations and legitimate desires of all Cubans, wherever they may be,” he said. “Those of the young and the elderly, of adolescents and children, of the sick and workers, of prisoners and their families, and of the poor and those in need.”

Castro told Benedict his country is committed to freedom of faith and has good relations with religious institutions. He also criticised the 50-year U.S. economic embargo and defended the socialist ideal of providing for those less fortunate.

“We have confronted scarcity but have never failed in our duty to share with those who have less,” Castro said, adding that Cuba remains determined to chart its own path and resist efforts by “the most forceful power that history has ever known” — a reference to the United States — to thwart the island’s socialist model.

Benedict then travelled by popemobile into Santiago, Cuba’s second city, barely waving through the glass to onlookers who lined the streets and waved flags.

“I thought this was amazing. This was such a labour of love and faith,” said Rita Freixas, a Miami Beach resident who hadn’t visited Cuba since her family left when she was 1 year old. She travelled back to the island with her sons and a friend as part of a delegation organised by the Archdiocese of Miami. “I am so happy to be back here. I am so happy to have come.”



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