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“Bo Bo” Miller to run in George Town

Bo Bo MillerDerrington “Bo Bo” Miller has announced he will be contesting the available seats in George Town in the Cayman Islands 2013 May elections.

He will officially be starting his launch on Thursday (14) at the George Town Hall at 7:30pm.

When we spoke to him today and asked why he was standing he replied, “Why not?”

And indeed why not? He has campaigned before for both George Town in 2009 and for North Side in 2005.

Although not successful he is a political warrior and he stands a much better chance than before.

He said he has dropped his association with the Coalition for Campaign independents and says he is not seeking their endorsement. He only needs the George Town people’s endorsement.

Please see attached flyer he sent us.

And he is serving free refreshments at his Thursday meeting.

Bo Bo Miller 1

BRIEF BIO- BO MILLER-mar 13,2013

Bo Miller is a well known entrepreneur /businessman who have been active on the political scene for several years. He was born in N.S but has maintained business connections and a residence in G.T since the 1970s. He got his first taste of politics from the old N.S veteran Craddock Ebanks who served in the LA for 33 years and Bo was involved in his campaign as a teenager. Since then he has been involved in many campaigns; Craddock Ebanks; Edna Moyle, The National Team and his own as recent as 2009 where he was a G.T Candidate.

He has a background in Finance and Accounting and as an entrepreneur has established and operated businesses in financial services, Hotel and condo tourism development; International Trade, retail, environmental protection just to name a few. He likes to say that he took part in every type of business opportunity that Cayman had to offer in the past 40 years. And this is the type of experience that Cayman desperately needs today. Folks who have done things and have that reservoir of knowledge and experience to draw from; not those who believe they might be able to do something.

Cayman was built of two pillars-its peoples and its clean safe environment. Both of whom are under severe stress today. Our initial development started with these two being in harmony but something happened along the way; we substituted “greed and speed” for people and proper planning. As a result, we left a generation behind and our environment is now being destroyed before our very eyes.

It’s for these two reasons I am running for office. Over the years I have worked with successive Governments and in most cases I was ignored, insulted or both. Because I believe in tackling the hard tasks and most politicians are only interested in the next election not the next generation. I believe it is time for a paradigm shift in our economic model which must include our people, the old model has expired. The world has changed and Cayman must as well; what we did 5-10 years ago will be no more; we are heading to a new place and that place must be to honour our solemn obligation to our children and grandchildren to leave them some opportunities and choices as well. The current path we are on will not take us there. Our people are losing hope and our youth no longer dream like I di when I was a young man. I saw poverty as a disease from which I knew I could recover through education and hard work and I did. I want that same dream for the young people of today, not to languish in Northward.

Cayman has reached the stage where we can no longer send the clowns to the rehearsal, we must now send the performers who have already rehearsed. We have one last time to get this right.

In 1980 he brought a group of his friends together and established Cayman’s first think tank; “The young Caymanian Businessmen Association which included some of Cayman’s top brains who went on to become leaders in commerce and Government. This group for- saw and warned of many of the challenges we face today; but as usual Government was not always willing to accept the truth.

He has been an owner/developer of hotel and condo development and in the 1980’s was instrumental in bringing some of the greatest country music artists of the USA to become partners in the hotel Treasure Island Resort. It was perhaps the finest period in tourism in our history and many of these owners/artists were free promoters of Cayman all around the world.

He is a fierce defender of protecting the environment and believes that our failure to properly address the necessary infrastructure needs when we were rolling in the $$ will be a major challenge for us to maintain a safe, clean quality of live as well as provide a first class tourist destination.

Bo Miller


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