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Branson’s blog re CTF and ousted premier

turtle-16759-530x330Cayman Islands turtles

By Richard Branson

Hope the latest news from the Cayman Islands regarding its governance will not get in the way of progress at the Cayman Turtle Farm (CTF). When I visited in November I met with the ousted Premier McKeeva Bush. He promised a thorough review of the activities at the turtle farm and an independent investigation.

The results from the farm’s independent investigation will be issued on January 31st and I (like many others) am keen to see the report. The farm provides an important service breeding these turtles, but we must ensure that the best standards are kept in the premises.

We have been assured the team behind Cayman Turtle Farm are implementing changes to reduce overcrowding, improve water quality and introduce better veterinary care.

I will keep in touch with the campaigners and the Government – as we are all eagerly awaiting the results of the report.

In the meantime, let’s hope the Cayman Islands gets through the current political upheaval and its people enjoy the rest of the holiday season.

By Richard Branson. Founder of Virgin Group

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