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Brewing coffee like a professional: What tools do you need?

Brewing the perfect cup of coffee can be a tricky task. It requires knowledge, skill, and practice to get it just right. But with the right tools and techniques, anyone can enjoy barista-level brews at home.

From grinders to kettles, here are seven essential pieces of equipment that every aspiring coffee connoisseur should have in their kitchen if they want to make cafe-quality beverages from the comfort of their own homes.

With these tools, you will be able to measure out precise amounts of ground beans for your espresso machine or French press, as well as boil water for pour-overs and other brewing methods quickly and accurately without any fuss or mess.

IMAGE: pexels

Whether you’re an amateur looking to upgrade your morning routine or a veteran barista wanting more control over each step in the process, these items will help take your coffee game up a notch!

Burr Grinder

A burr grinder is an absolute must for anyone serious about brewing great coffee at home. It produces consistent grind-size particles, which helps ensure even extraction when brewing with espresso machines or French presses. According to Brew Coffee At Home, grinding your beans with a burr grinder will give you the best, most consistent results for any brewing method. Plus, you can easily adjust the coarseness of your grounds to accommodate different types of beans and grinds.

Additionally, a burr grinder is much quieter than its wheeled counterparts, so you don’t need to worry about waking up your family in the morning when grinding beans for your pour-over. 

Gooseneck Kettle

Having a gooseneck kettle is essential for making pour-over coffee. The narrow spout offers more control over your water flow, which in turn allows you to pour a more even stream over your grounds. This will help ensure the water is evenly distributed and maximum flavor extraction occurs.

Also, since the spout of a gooseneck kettle is more pointed, you can use it to manipulate the height of your pour-over to avoid any air pockets that could lead to underdeveloped flavor.

Digital Scale

Accurate measurement is key to making great coffee, and a digital scale should be one of the first tools on your list. A good quality kitchen scale will make sure you always use the right amount of ground beans for each cup or pot of coffee. It’ll also come in handy when you’re trying out various recipes or brewing methods.

For instance, if you’re making espresso, you’ll need to know the precise weight of your ground beans to get the perfect shot. A digital scale can help you accurately calculate this and, most importantly, save time over more labor-intensive methods like measuring out tablespoons or eyeballing it.

French Press 

The French press is a classic brew method that produces smooth, flavorful coffee in minutes. It’s one of the most popular and preferred ways to make cup after cup of incredible coffee (or tea!) at home, and all you need is ground beans and hot water. Plus, cleanup is a breeze compared to other methods. 

However, a good quality French press is essential if you want great results every time. Look for sturdy models with glass carafes, multi-level filtration systems, and heat-retaining materials like stainless steel or copper. This will help to keep your coffee hot while brewing and also create an ultra-smooth, consistent flavor with each cup.


A thermometer is an invaluable tool for ensuring you are using the correct water temperature when brewing coffee. The National Coffee Association recommends that your water should be between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal extraction. If it’s too cold, your coffee will taste weak and flavorless. If it’s too hot, you can burn the beans or even scald your mouth!

Using a thermometer will help you get the perfect temperature every time and allow you to fine-tune your brewing process over time.

Coffee Filter 

When making pour-over coffee, it’s important to use the right type of filter. A good quality paper or metal filter will help to extract maximum flavor and reduce sediment in your cup. Paper filters are typically easier to clean up after your brew is complete, while metal filters can be reused many times over and offer a slightly more robust flavor.

Regardless of the filter you choose, make sure it’s designed to hold back any fine particles that may be in your grounds and provide a balanced extraction. This will give you an even, smooth cup every time.

IMAGE: pexels

With the right tools, you can easily achieve professional-level coffee brewing results at home. From grinders to thermometers, these seven essential pieces of equipment will help ensure that your cup is always flavorful and balanced.

With a little knowledge and practice, you’ll be able to make perfect pour-overs or French presses in no time! Whether it’s for yourself or entertaining guests, having the supplies on hand to make great coffee has never been easier.


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