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Brits poisoned at Caribbean hotel win £1.9 million compensation

xdominican-republic.jpg.pagespeed.ic.hJuBWjyCmKBy AOL Travel

Holiday firm First Choice has agreed to pay £1.9 million compensation to 409 British tourists who suffered food poisoning at a hotel in the Dominican Republic.

The High Court approved the damages for the holidaymakers, which included 60 children.

According to The Guardian, the Britons were awarded six years after their stay at the four-star Bahia Principe resort in San Juan.

While at the hotel, guests were struck down with severe gastric illnesses, including salmonella. Weddings, honeymoon and birthday celebrations were ruined.

The settlement follows payouts by Thomas Cook and My Travel, who agreed a £3.5 sum four years ago to Brits who had a disastrous stay at the hotel.

In total, nearly 1,000 holidaymakers were represented by travel law firm Irwin Mitchell and have received £5m compensation.

Irwin Mitchell partner Clive Garner told the Daily Telegraph: “We are delighted our clients have received a fair settlement after enduring such terrible times at the Bahia Principe. There have been problems at the hotel on and off for 10 years in the lead up to the 2007 outbreak, and we are still receiving complaints.”

Guests at the hotel reported undercooked, fly-covered food. Dogs, birds and mice were seen in the dining area. Toilets were unflushable and sewage flooded bedrooms. And around the hotel, there was a “smell of sewerage, urine and vomit”.

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