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BT Coalition: Voters say ‘no’ to Dart’s dump deal, corruption; ‘yes’ to change

yard-sign-2The leaders of the Coalition to Keep BT Dump Free congratulated the election winners and ”put them on notice”.  “The PPM said they were opposed to putting a dump in Bodden Town (BT), and each one of the four elected BT MLAs promised to vote against any proposal in the LA which involves putting a waste management facility in our district”, stated Coalition chairman Mr. Alain Beiner.  “We intend to remain active and to ensure that these promises are kept.”

“The people voted for change”, adds Coalition leader and Midland Acres resident Ms Arlene Whittaker. “We’ve kicked out virtually every proponent of Dart’s dump deal, and almost every minister of the two previous governments.  The people are fed up with corruption and back-room deals.  Scotland, Seymour and Walling Whittaker – a key ‘salesman’ for Dart’s dump – all fared miserably.”

BT Dump Coalition leader and former Minister of Environment, Mr. Charles Clifford, fared strongly in the election, coming in sixth – well ahead of Scotland and Seymour — but was unable to resist the PPM “sweep”.  Mr. Clifford stated:  “We fully expect the new government to assume its responsibility of urgently fixing the George Town (GT) dump where it is, without ‘exporting’ the problem and contaminating a new site.  We’ll continue to demand that the Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) be mandated to find the best waste management solution for Grand Cayman, and that an open call for tenders be issued after that.  This must be a priority!”

“The people are fed up with the secrecy of the UDP and the PNA administrations, and the constant conflicts of interests”, adds Coalition leader Mr. Gregg Anderson, who along with Mr. Clifford, campaigned actively against the proposed dump, and helped keep the issue at the centre of the election campaign.  “We deserve transparency, genuine consultation, due process, and respect for the rule of law and of our fragile environment”, added Mr. Anderson.  “Voters rejected the recent, one-sided giveaway of public assets to Dart, through shady ‘swaps’ which benefit only Dart.”

Coalition leaders point to the almost total rout of McKeeva Bush’s UDP, and the breaking of his stranglehold on West Bay by an opponent of the West Bay Road giveaway.  “Out of the five PNA ministers, all proponents of the WB Road giveaway and of Dart’s dump deal, four have been kicked out”, explains Ms Whittaker.  “These major decisions were made behind our backs, in complete disregard of massive opposition.  We expect better from the new government.  We expect them to represent the interests of those who elected them, not those of Dart.  We expect them to keep their promises to the people they work for.  We expect good governance, along with social and environmental justice”.





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