Business Surveys on Cayman Islands’ economic performance start March 27

It is that time of the year when the Economics and Statistics Office conducts the annual business surveys. The survey will begin on March 27, 2017 when the survey form will be hand-delivered, mailed or emailed to all entities that produce goods and services in the Cayman Islands. The surveys consist of the System of National Accounts (SNA) and the Balance of Payments (BOP) surveys.

The surveys seek to gather data to estimate the total value of goods and services produced by the different industries in the Cayman Islands, and to measure total payments to and receipts from the rest of the world.

All survey returns are confidential as mandated by the Statistics Law and are exempt from the Freedom of Information (FOI) Law. The survey returns will be used exclusively for ESO’s statistical purpose. ESO officials emphasize that the survey results will be published in aggregate form only, with all individual information remaining confidential.

All survey respondents will be required to return a completed form by the survey deadline May 12, 2017. ESO staff will be available to assist entities in completing the forms. Survey forms and other information can also be found on the website (, or may be requested by contacting 949-0940.


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