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C4C wants a UK Town Council type government for Cayman

IMG_0572 C4COver sandwiches, sodas and water, the Coalition For Cayman (C4C) met members of Cayman’s media on Tuesday (15) to present their picture of what the C4C is about and to answer questions.

James Bergstrom, chairman of the C4C, gave a full but concise Power Point presentation at their offices in the Crighton Building that provided more background about the role of the Coalition, its structure, ideology and the process involved in the endorsement of their candidates.

IMG_0575 C4CTheir vision of being a public awareness and advocacy group who recognize the people of Cayman are frustrated with party politics, government overspending, debt, crime and economic uncertainty, was stressed.

“We are committed to bringing new and accountable leadership to unite the people of the country and restore the Cayman Islands’ reputation while maintaining social balance and sustainable growth,” Bergstrom said.

IMG_0573 C4CThe Coalitions 10 Founding Principles are:

1. A belief in the supremacy of a democratic parliament and the rule of law.

2. A belief in the right of Caymanians to direct government by the democratic process.

3. A belief that a responsible government must be fiscally prudent and should be limited to those responsibilities which cannot be discharged reasonably by the individual or others.

IMG_0574 C4C4. A belief that the government must ensure the safety of the public. Offenders should be punished for their offending and, where possible, rehabilitated and required to make good the losses they have caused.

5. A belief that good and responsible government is attentive to the people it represents and has representatives who at all times conduct themselves in an ethical manner, displaying integrity, honesty and concern for the best interest of all citizens.

IMG_0576 C4C6. A belief in the value of life, individual privacy, the freedom of the individual (including freedom of speech, conscience, worship and assembly) and the right to defend one’s self and property, while recognizing the need for the community of society as a whole.

7. A belief that the best guarantors of the prosperity and well-being of the people of the Cayman Islands are:

  • A climate in which individual initiative is rewarded and excellence is pursued
  • The freedom of individual citizens to pursue their enlightened and legitimate self-interest within a competitive economy while ensuring their actions do not contravene the best interests of the country
  • The freedom of individual citizens to enjoy the fruits of their labour to the greatest possible extent while also contributing in a meaningful way to the well-being of the country.
  • The right to own property.

8. A belief that it is the responsibility of individuals to provide for themselves, their families and their dependents, while recognizing that government must respond to those who require assistance and compassion.

9. A belief that the natural environment and resources of the Cayman Islands should be used responsibly ensuring that future generations inherit an environment that is clean and safe

10. A belief that all citizens should have reasonable access to quality health care and education.

Bergstrom said the C4C feel the United Kingdom’s Town and District type of government where groups of independents and persons of varying political persuasions get together and manage the affairs of the towns with much larger populations than the Cayman Islands. He gave as examples the Channel Islands, pointing out that the Island of Jersey is run that way. He even cited the USA Action Committees.

The elected persons act exactly like a committee, they may go in to the cabinet with opposing views, they air them, they have met with persons in the community and listened to their grievances and issues and inform the other cabinet members. Everyone gets their turn. There is no strict party line. A vote is taken and the majority rules.

The C4C are looking for like-minded persons who, although are independent, will adopt their Founding Principles and will abide by the Coalitions thinking of what is right for Cayman by putting Cayman first. These are the persons the C4C will endorse, support, provide financial backing and education. Unlike members of a political party they are there to help their endorsed candidates after they have got elected with guidance and help.

“Politicians should rely on people for expertise,” Bergstrom said.

He also went further saying the private sector has tremendous expertise in managing finances and are business savvy, and the C4C have members already on board who can assist in this field. Running a country is like running a business is the train of thought here.

The C4C is certainly a committee run with a healthy number of committees formed already under the C4C banner. There were far too many for me to jot down but I am sure these will be released to me later. Three I did note was a Candidacy Committee, Fundraising Committee and the Executive Committee. Once a C4C member on the Executive Committee announces he is going to run in the election he is immediately removed from that committee.

There can be no affiliation with a C4C endorsed candidate to any political party but past party members are welcome.

The C4C were also adopting the principals set out in the 2010 Report of the Commission for Standards in Public Life. This report was commissioned by government but never adopted by them.

Donations to the C4C were limited at CI$10,000 to avoid any talk of the Coalition being bound to any individual or corporation as they were very much aware of political corruption and they were against this.

The question and answer session got under way and our various answered by all the members present of the C4C Executive Committee but I was still left wondering how all of it would work in practice.

Joan Wilson’s Editorial in December last year, when she pointed out how in the days before party politics came to be, members of the Legislative Assembly could be heatedly against one another inside of the House but outside they were friends and would go to Rotary in the same car was given as an example of how party lines have prevented that.

I am still not convinced that in 2013 going back to that is the way forward. Coalitions were mentioned as another example but as two of us in the media pointed out, coalitions have great difficulty in getting anything done.

The jury is still out, but I was impressed with the sincerity of the C4C.


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