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Call for Papers: “The Caribbean Sea, Caribbean Identity and Caribbean Development”

puertoangelino-18-21-09“The Caribbean Sea, Caribbean Identity and Caribbean Development” is the organizing theme for a Special Issue of Social & Economic Studies Journal of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies (University of the West Indies, Mona). This issue will be guest edited by Nicole Parris. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is March 13, 2015.

Scope and Context: The Special Issue seeks to capture an array of perspectives on the nexus between the Caribbean Sea, the countries and territories located within and around it, the people within these constituencies, and the synergies that exist between and among them.

The Caribbean Sea is the common heritage of the Caribbean. It is a defining element of the region that at once unites and divides both landmasses and peoples and supports their existential and development needs. It is a vast resource, far exceeding the sum of landmasses bordering and within it, yet largely obscured by an understandable fixation with them and their well-being. We live on land, of course. Yet, for the most part, this land is surrounded by sea and affected by it and in turn, affects it. The Caribbean is both land and sea. As such, commitments made to the pursuit of Sustainable Development in the region, of necessity, must also include a commitment to Ocean Governance and specifically, a coordinated, regional approach to the conservation and sustainable use of the Caribbean Sea. It is a shared, trans-boundary resource, from which the countries and people of the Caribbean benefit and have both collective rights and responsibilities.

The Special Issue serves to explore and document the linkages between the Caribbean Sea, Caribbean Identity and Caribbean Development and ways in which these connections can be harnessed, further and sustainably, to safeguard the marine resource and its continued contribution to the countries and people of the Caribbean.

Thematic areas to be covered include: The Caribbean Sea and Regional Identity; Region Formation/Cooperation/Integration around the Caribbean Sea; Perspectives (historical, cultural, philosophical, sociological) on Caribbean Identity and the Caribbean Sea; Regional Public Goods/Services approach to the Caribbean Sea; Sustainable Development and The Caribbean Sea; Economic Growth and Development and Caribbean Sea — past, present and future; Balancing Sustainability — Climate Change and Small Island Developing States (SIDS); Governing the Caribbean Sea; Ocean Governance in the Caribbean — Rights, Policy processes, Legislative Reform; Public Outreach, Education and Training for Ocean Governance; Wealth Accounting and the Caribbean Sea. Other thematic areas related to those outlined may also be considered.

Guidelines for submissions and deadlines: Persons interested in contributing to the Special Issue should submit abstracts of no more than 150 words, outlining the aims, methodology, findings and conclusions of the proposed submission. Titles should be no more than 8 words. All submissions must be made electronically.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is March 13, 2015.

The deadline for notification of accepted abstracts is April 13, 2015.

Full and final accepted papers are due on August 31, 2015.

All queries and submissions should be made to Nicole Parris:

[IMAGE: Puerto Angelino.18.21.09 Photo of Puerto Angelino (Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico) by Ivette Romero.]



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