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Caribbean Utilities Company LTD (CUC) announces the request for qualification for natural gas

In an effort to reduce the cost of energy production and reduce carbon emissions, the Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd (“CUC”) is seeking qualification submissions from prospective natural gas suppliers.

As a part of the Cayman Islands National Energy Policy (“NEP”) and the Company’s Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”), the Company is committed to increase the use of clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the long term. In 2022, the Company initiated an infrastructure project to upgrade 68 megawatts (MW) of diesel generation to enable the use of natural gas as a fuel. Natural gas is cleaner burning fuel than diesel and produces 30% less carbon emissions. The acquisition of a supply of natural gas will increase the energy diversity on Grand Cayman.

This initiative will also assist the Company to ensure alignment with the draft revised 2023-2050 NEP policy targets, which call for the majority of energy to come from renewable and sustainable sources within the policy period. As the Company and Grand Cayman continue to grow and expand, we are delighted to launch this process in support of the transition to cleaner energy solutions.

Qualified suppliers interested in developing a natural gas supply solution for CUC are invited to submit written notification of interest by submission of a statement of qualifications no later than September 15, 2023, at 2:00pm local Cayman Islands time. The following information must be included:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Person Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Describe at least one similar gas supply solution that the company has directly implemented, and include links to publicly available information on this project (<500 words) Submissions should be sent to


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