CARICOM announces Guyana Solar Challenge Winners

Georgetown, Guyana: Solar Head of State, a non-profit that helps world leaders become green by installing solar panels on government buildings, has announced the winners of the Guyana Solar Challenge, a competition that invited young people from across the country to create innovative communication projects and educate their communities about the benefits of renewable energy.
The ceremony was held at the CARICOM Secretariat Headquarters in Georgetown, Guyana, and the awards were presented by the sponsors of the challenge.

Participants were provided with guidelines to design projects that inspire their communities to recognize and learn about the benefits of solar energy. The challenge received a variety of submissions, ranging from essays, poetry, informational videos to songs and art.
The winning projects, awarded with prizes, were able to demonstrate creativity and ability to communicate effectively and with originality the advantages of adopting renewable energy sources for Guyana. The winning projects each received a trophy, certificate of participation and cash prizes.
Solar Head of State would like to thank the major sponsors for the event: Guyana Power and Light Inc, MPC Capital, Guyana Ministry of Environment, and Public Services International. With a special thanks to our partners: CARICOM Energy, Caribbean Youth Environment Network(CYEN) and Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC).
Solar Head of State has successfully run its second community solar competition as part of the broader effort to empower young people with the necessary tools to become tomorrow’s leaders.
If you would like to help us run more solar challenges across the Caribbean, please get in touch to discuss sponsorship.
View the winning entries here: