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Caribbean News

Caribbean News iCommunity iFaith iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Church blames families for societal breakdown

By Tanesha Mundle From Jamaica Observer Pointing to examples of social and moral decay in the country, the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands recently launched a programme intended to reduce the incidence of divorce…

Caribbean News iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Caribbean tourism sees modest visitor gains in 2013

By Gay Nagle Myers From Travel Weekly The number of Caribbean visitors increased 1.8% in 2013, a growth rate that lagged well behind most other world regions. In comparison, 2013 tourist arrivals grew 3.6% in all of the Americas, 5.4%…

Caribbean News iArt iEntertainment iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

‘At Long Last ‘ – Sonia Farmer reviews Malcolm Rae’s first solo show in a decade

From Bahama islands info Observing the body of realist paintings by Malcolm Rae in his first solo show in a decade, “At Long Last”, opening at Doongalik Studios on Thursday, February 20th, viewers may wonder what they have been missing….

Caribbean News iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Grenada celebrates 40th anniversary of political independence

From Caribbean360 Grenada was the first English-speaking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country to have a change of government by the bullet rather than the ballot. ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, Friday February 7, 2014, CMC – Grenada is celebrating its 40th anniversary of…

Caribbean News iLocal News ISports Manager's Choice News Sports Local

CIFA Results and Fixtures

CIFA Under 13 League Update Please see the following attachments: CIFA Under 13 League Update Also please note that CIFA has decided to postpone ALL Under 13 League matches scheduled for next week Monday, 17th February ahead of the C3…

Caribbean News iLocal News ISports Manager's Choice News

No Place Like Home – Holness

By André Lowe, Senior Staff Reporter From The Gleanner Much-travelled Jamaican track and field coach, Jerry Holness, spent three years coaching in Dubai and just recently started a new experience in the Cayman Islands. Still, for all his travels, Holness,…

Caribbean News iLocal News ISports iWorld News Manager's Choice News Sports Local Sports World

Cayman Rugby at Las Vegas

From Cayman Rugby A Maples & Calder National Cayman Rugby Sevens Academy squad were in tough in the Las Vegas invitational Sevens Elite division January 23rd and 24th. The Las Vegas sevens forms part of the World seven’s series which…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Why pension funds are finding Bermuda captivating

By Ashley Fife From APPLEBY Bermuda is becoming increasingly attractive as a place to invest pension assets, manage the risks associated with funding pensions, and to carry on a pension trustee business. In the first instance, pension trustees’ investments in…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News Manager's Choice

Working as a Marine Biologist on the Cayman Islands

By Peter Sonnenberg From PAC Work as a marine biologist is very rewarding; becoming one requires very hard work, though. To become a marine biologist, one must go through four years of undergraduate education and around two to five years…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

PPS in the Caribbean hold key to success

From The Barbados Advocate “Worthwhile approach” It was noted quite recently that Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the Caribbean hold the key to the success of infrastructural development in the Bank’s Borrowing Member Countries. There is a recognition that infrastructure development…