Hurricane Sandy brings torrential rain to Jamaica
Jamaicans have taken refuge in shelters and their homes as Hurricane Sandy nears the island’s south coast. Schools and airports are closed and a curfew has been imposed in major towns to keep people off the streets and deter looting….
JA Company Programme set for another successful year
The launch of Junior Achievement’s Company Programme for this school year once again demonstrates the importance of teaching young people the value of learning about the business world, with participant numbers increasing substantially over 2011/2012. The 294 students in Grand…
The Editor Speaks: Be thankful for Guilty plea
It is not often I thank a self confessed rapist who can only be described as the worst of all human beings but I do. In our lead story, Jeffery Barnes, pleaded “Guilty” to abducting and raping a 49 year…
Rotary Sunrise Supports Seniors’
The Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise has long been a supporter of Senior Month activities in the community and this year is no exception. This year the Club has donated $2000 towards the cost of hosting seniors from the…
Silversides spotted in October in Grand Cayman
This video has been posted by Frans De Becker on the Vimeo website. It is well worth a visit. Frans says: Seeing Silversides in October in Grand Cayman is rather unusual. They stay mostly only during July and August. So…
From a haunting Halloween House of Horror hosted by The Rotary Club of Grand Cayman and the Town Centre’s annual Halloween Spooktacular especially for little ones to a series of creepy features shown under the stars and a special Zombie…
The Editor Speaks: Act quickly or nip it in the bud
The expression “nip in the bud” says it all. Put a stop to something while it is still in its early development. It’s not a new expression. It derives from the de-budding of plants. The earlier form of the phrase…
Remembrance Day Ceremony Sunday, 11th November, 2012
Grand Cayman’s annual Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held on Sunday, 11th November, 2012, starting at 10:45am at the Cenotaph, Elmslie Memorial Church. On Cayman Brac, this will be held at the same time at the District Administration Building. Religious…
Maples and Calder Grants Three Legal Scholarships
Maples and Calder (“Maples”) announced today that it has granted its 2012 legal scholarships to Joseph Jackson, Jessica Kong and Renee Lindo. Joseph Jackson and Jessica Kong are 2012 graduates of the Cayman Islands Law School, where they attained their…
Foster’s Food fair recalls Banana Boat Sun Care products
Public Service Announcement Banana Boat Sun Care Products Foster’s Food Fair IGA would like to announce the voluntary recall by Energizer Holdings Inc. in consultation with the manufacturers of Banana Boat Sun Care Products and to ensure the safety and…