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RCIPS says GSR evidence is used to support other evidence

Royal Cayman Islands Police Service’s (RCIPS) Detective Superintendent Marlon Bodden said on Tuesday (16), the August memo written by former RCIPS Scientific Support Manager Martin Gaule concerning Gun Shot Residue (GSR), was simply a reminder for officers to comply with…

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New Flora book of the Cayman Islands announced

The Ministry and Department of Environment are pleased to announce the recent publication, by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, of the ‘Flora of the Cayman Islands’ by Dr George R Proctor, former head of the Natural History Division of the…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Bush touts San Miguel Corporation of the Philippines but I see only red flags

In a news release last week it has been reported that our premier, McKeeva Bush, is touting Southeast Asia’s largest publicly listed food, beverage, and packaging company San Miguel Corporation (SMC) of the Philippines for business opportunities. Mr. Bush met…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

Anti-corruption Commission “Focus” newsletter

On 3rd July, 2012, David Baines, Commissioner of Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, and as Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), issued a Memo (see attached) to all Public Officials informing them of an ACC newsletter called “Focus”. The Memo…

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Youths Sail-on with Scotiabank

Scotiabank has once again proven its dedication to fostering the development of youth sailing in the Cayman Islands. For the sixth year in a row, Scotiabank is the title sponsor for the Cayman Islands National Youth Sailing Championships. The two-day…

Editors Choice iFood iLifestyle iLocal News News

Cayman Islands 22nd Annual Culinary Awards of Excellence Competition

Stomachs growl as foodies watch national chefs compete in a cook-off to be chef of the year at the 22nd Annual Culinary Awards of Excellence Competition & Trade Show on October 23rd and 24th at the Ritz-Carlton Cayman Islands Royal…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Letters to the Editor

I welcome Letters to the Editor, even the ones I don’t agree with. Only in rare instances will I comment on them. Today is an exception as both letters are very important. The first one concerns the story that iNews…

Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News News

How many MLA’s will Cayman have to choose?

The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind. Once again the Cayman Islands Government leaves everyone wondering, pondering and uncertain. This is the norm for this government who cannot make a decision until the very last minute and even…

Editors Choice iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Your View

Letter to the Editor from World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)

World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) Committed to ending animal cruelty & suffering across the world, for over 30 years Dear Colin Please find below our response to your article on October 14th regarding WSPA and the Cayman…

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Letter to the Editor from Guy Harvey

I am writing this letter as one of the foremost marine scientists in the Cayman Islands on the biology, ecology, natural history and socio-economic value of the southern stingrays, in the context of their relationship with these Islands. In reference…