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Editors Choice

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion

Speeding and drinking – disaster in the making

With the sudden spate of road accidents, one a horrific tragedy resulting in the death of a pregnant woman, one wonders why it keeps happening? It would appear that both speeding and drinking was the cause of this one. Undue…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion

More colour! More pages! Web changes!

I am very proud to announce that from yesterday, our newspaper went from 28 pages to 32 pages and it’s permanent! From now on only eight pages will be in black and white. We are now publishing iNews Cayman with…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion

Slanting iNews editorials

Slanting a news story to your own personal bias is not a new trend. Michael Moore, the infamous USA filmmaker, author and liberal political commentator, in a presentation I was at some years ago in Vegas boasts about it. The…

Editors Choice iOpinion

Koozies: Keep your drink at the right temperature

Do you know what koozies are? The name is interesting, the thing is interesting and the use is interesting. Koozies is not only an interesting name itself but has some more interesting synonyms like kuzzie, kuzzies, coozie and coozies or…

Editors Choice iEntertainment iListen iLocal News News

Musicians’ Showcase helps wildlife at Camana Bay

Local musicians Natasha Kozaily, The E-Z Street Band, Sea ‘N’ B and photographer Aston Ebanks helped raise money for Cayman Wildlife Rescue (CWR) at the Musicians’ Showcase at Camana Bay. The Musicians’ Showcase is a once-a-month event organised by Oneworld…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion

Where Were You?

Alan Jackson, one of America’s top country music artists wrote a song entitled “Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)?” in November 2001. It was written in the wake of the September 11th suicide attacks by al-Qaeda on the…

Editors Choice iLocal News News Today

New Law allows Police to tap into phones

A new law that was passed at 9:00am, Monday July 15th, allows the Island’s police force to tap into conversations involving anyone, deemed by their standards to be a crime suspect. The RCIPS now has the technical and legal capabilities…

Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

Spyware Detection

I have written on this subject before and after a number of calls I received on this subject I decided to go into this serious problem in greater detail. Anti spyware software provides the best spyware detection capabilities. Even though…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion


With the announcement recently that Grand Cayman’s landfill will re-locate near to Breakers, Bodden Town it has brought a loud NIMBY reaction from the District’s residents. NIMBY stands for ‘Not In My Backyard’ and this was understandably the feeling from…

Editors Choice iOpinion

Courage and Love

To many, work is a necessary evil they would gladly forgo if they won or inherited a fortune. Its meaning is the paycheck and the value it has in terms of service to their community is indifferent or very subordinate….