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The mighty bulldozer

By Joan Wilson I wonder what it feels like being in the driver’s seat, And to have such power riding beneath one’s feet? Knowing the walls could never withstand The force of the mighty bulldozer.   Did he ever give…

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Cayman Islands Film Festival set for November

Once again, the International Underwater Film Festival in Grand Cayman will delight ocean-enthusiasts who gather for this once-a-year video celebration of the landscape, flora, fauna and experiences to be had under the waves. Held in conjunction with the International Scuba…

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Mother (known as Mama)

    Mother (better known as Mama) ‘Mama’ as we called her was so quiet and sweet To hug and kiss her was really a treat. She was fat like mothers of her day you see Having nine healthy children…

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Making sculptures out of paper and turning paper into bronze

Patty and Allen Eckman have been creating wonderful high detail works in their hand made acid free cast paper sculpture since 1988 and they have become internationally recognized as not only masters in the medium but also the only masters…

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Mind’s Eye & Miss Lassie

A 4th generation Caymanian, Gladwyn K. “Lassie” Bush began painting at the age of 62, after what she describes as a visionary experience. Strong Christian themes run through her work, which she painted not only on canvas, but also on…

GIS Spotlight: Link to Oceans

The week starting Monday, 27 August, GIS Spotlight opens young minds to ocean literacy, draws attention to tourism and refocuses on hurricane preparedness. It’s never too early to enthuse school children about nature and the need to conserve it for…

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That olde cat look

    By Joan Wilson     Why do I think of you Every time I see a cat? Is it because you’re so warm and friendly And more so as a matter of fact?   Your hair is always…

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Underwater Dog Photographer Helping Shelter Pets

By Eve Becker, TAILS contributor Pet photographer Seth Casteel enjoys the unexpected. And that’s a good thing, since his photos of dogs—taken as he plays underwater with them—have become a viral overnight success. Casteel’s underwater photos reveal surprising emotions: a…

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Anansesem September 2012 Issue: Call for Submissions

Deadline: August 25, 2012 Anansesem Caribbean children’s ezine is now accepting submissions for our September 2012 issue. Adults, we are looking for poems, art, nonfiction articles and stories that Caribbean children will enjoy and relate to. Although Caribbean writers and…