Anne Part 30 “Old Pierre detested dogs, yet always fed them”
We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson / Anne Part 30 “Old Pierre detested dogs, yet always fed them” The good priest was surprised and touched to see the tears of the little man, stained, weazened, and…
Author describes how volunteering after 9/11 disaster changed her life
When the World Trade Centre collapsed, Alison Thompson’s life changed forever. Up until that point in time Ms. Thompson had been a successful Investment banker. But when 23 of her friends died in the Twin Towers, she just knew she…
Psychic medium Jeffrey Wands’ six keys to mastering the art of living
Internationally renowned psychic medium, popular radio host and author, Jeffrey Wands will be appearing at Books & Books for a discussion and signing of his latest book, Knock and the Door Will Open: 6 Keys to Mastering the Art of…
“Anne” and Constance Fenimore Woolson
Constance Fenimore Woolson was an American novelist and short story writer who was born in Claremont, New Hampshire on March 5th, 1840. She travelled extensively through the midwestern and northeastern regions of the USA during her childhood and young adulthood….
Continuing our abridged serialization of Kathleen Bodden-Harris’ book “Quest on the Marl Road”
Part 47 A New Beginning Almost immediately, she answered him. “I don’t think we could find any finer place to live. The neighbors are so great and they literally look out for you.” She paused as she considered her feelings…