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Jamaica Ponzi scheme may impact US charity linked to Royal Family

By Claudette de la Haye Caribbean News Now Contributor #mediawomanrising MIAMI, USA — On the eve of the 35th charity gala put on by the American Friends of Jamaica (AFJ) in Miami, whose patron of honour in previous years…

iBusiness iFood iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Why aren’t we farming octopus?

By JOSÉ IGLESIAS ESTÉVEZ, HEAD SCIENTIST AT SPANISH INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY for The Conversation From Mashable Octopuses grow quickly, have lots of tasty flesh and are found all over the world. As the world’s supply of fish diminishes while the number…

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What will the ALS Association do with that $100 million?

By Todd Wasserman From Mashable The $100 million that the ALS Association raised with its viral Ice Bucket Challenge is certainly an impressive figure. But those who suffer from the disease and those who took the challenge may wonder if…

World’s 10 most stunning airport approaches

From CNN They don’t have airplanes in “Game of Thrones” but if they did, there’d be no finer arrival in King’s Landing than Malta Airport. The spectacular walled city of Valletta, so familiar from the HBO show, rises up from…

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WikiLeaks exposes countries that use controversial ‘FinFisher’ surveillance tech

By Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai From Mashable WikiLeaks published a batch of documents and files pertaining to the controversial surveillance technology company FinFisher, including a list of its customers and actual copies of its spyware. The release, the fourth one in the…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCrime iFinance iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

UK: Newbury MP defends David Cameron after tax leaks

By William Walker From Newbury Today But Richard Benyon will not reveal his own tax returns The Conservative MP for Newbury has leapt to the defence of David Cameron and his family after recent revelations from the ‘Panama Papers’, but stressed…

CRFM and UNOPS seal agreement to advance small- scale fisheries in the Caribbean

Special emphasis directed at flyingfish fishery in the Eastern Caribbean Belize City, Belize, 22 April 2016 (CRFM)—The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) this week sealed an agreement with a UN agency to strengthen governance arrangements for the flyingfish fishery in…

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Apple wins patent on transparent cube store design

By Adario Strange From Mashable Those dreams of massive cities full of beautiful Apple store-style glass cube buildings? They’ve been officially been smashed. Apple has won a patent on its glass cube building design, effectively guaranteeing that the only see-through…

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HMRC claims billion pound week with win against Jersey firm

By Richard Hubbard From International Adviser The UK tax office has won a judgement against a limited partnership registered in Jersey, the Clavis Liberty Fund 1 LP scheme, which it claimed had tried to create artificial tax losses. HM Revenue…

iNews Briefs & Community Events (From BIG FISH 95.5)

  HM Queen Elizabeth II is 90 From Premier of the Cayman Islands: On behalf of the people of the Cayman Islands I wish Her Majesty The Queen a very happy 90th birthday. May the Lord continue to shine His…