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Elizabeth Warren: ‘Black lives matter, black citizens matter and black families

By Kimberly Truong From Mashable Politicians across the political spectrum have a way of running into trouble over their statements about the Black Lives Matter movement, but the senior senator from Massachusetts is not one of them. Speaking at the…

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Synthetic biology is not just good, it’s good for you

By Emily Leproust from Tech Crunch Emily Leproust is CEO of Twist Bioscience. Synthetic biology (synbio for short) is a term that circulates freely through the tech world, but what exactly does it mean? It inspires both excitement and concern,…

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Is wealth inequality hidden in tax havens? Piketty’s co-author thinks so

By Josh Zumbrun From Wall Street Journal The idea of stashing money in a Swiss bank account or some Caribbean island sounds a bit antiquated—the act of a 1960s James Bond villain. But the amount of wealth flooding into tax…

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The emerging slump

By Ashley Kindergan From The Financialist Every now and then, the developed and emerging economies of the world find themselves in sync, growing or contracting together. This is not one of those times. In late 2015, a trend that started…

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Banking sector very dynamic

From Times of Malta Juanita Bencini has been involved in the banking sector for over a decade – but it is clear within minutes of sitting down to talk to her that she still finds it as exciting now as…

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Ericsson invites industry players to join its licensing effort for Internet of Things (IoT)

Enhance predictability for patent licensing on Internet of Things (IoT) devices Create clear, industry-wide royalty structure for IoT devices with a primary function other than wireless connectivity Efficient access to wireless connectivity to promote faster adoption of connected low-cost IoT…

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Fnm Deputy wants Crown Land Sovereign Wealth Fund

By Neil Hartnell From Tribune 242 The Opposition’s deputy leader yesterday called for the Government’s multi-billion dollar Crown Land holdings to be transferred into a sovereign wealth fund-type vehicle, demanding: “We have to formalise and regularise the situation.” K P…

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Latin America and Caribbean to adopt SDGs, but still lagging on some MDGs

By Marianela Jarroud From CARIBBEAN360 SANTIAGO, Chile, Thursday September 24, 2015, IPS – In the last 15 years, Latin America and the Caribbean have met several key targets included in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), such as reducing extreme poverty,…

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Investments Minister: Bahamas ‘In a mess by many measures’

By Neil Hartnell From Tribune 242 A Cabinet Minister conceded [recently] that the Bahamas was “in a mess by many measures”, and warned that painful “radical surgery” was necessary to haul both the economy and society back on the right…

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After law license suspension, pressure mounts on AG Kane

By Lizzy McLellan and Max Mitchell, from The Legal Intelligencer Now that Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s law license has been suspended, politicos and court watchers seem to agree that she should not be serving as the state’s top law…