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Caribbean Journal features “A Secret Cigar Lounge in Grand Cayman”

From Caribbean Journal   It’s just a few hundred miles from the Cayman Islands to Cuba.   And for years, that’s meant a great deal of Cuban cultural influence in the British Overseas Territory, from music to rum.   And…

Caribbean News iArt iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Erin Brokovich visits Cayman Islands

From Melissa Wolfe Photography PHILANTHROPIC & CHARITY I’m grateful for the opportunity to participate with some of Cayman’s top ‘make it happen’ professionals. They joined forces with the incomparable Erin Brockovich to send the message that domestic violence must stop….

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iFinance iLocal News iTravel iWorld News News

The National Conservation Council comments on Cayman Islands proposed berthing facility

Promoting and securing biological diversity and the sustainable use of natural resources in the Cayman Islands 26 August 2015 PROPOSED CRUISE BERTHING FACILITY Commentary following issue of Environmental Assessment Board Review of the consultation draft Environmental Statement and completion of…

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Cayman Court makes first ruling on the meaning of “Fair Value” under the statutory merger regime

From Mourant Ozannes INTRODUCTION On the 28th August 2015 the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands released its decision in In the Matter of Integra Group (Jones J). This case is the first time the Cayman Islands court has ruled…

Caribbean News iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

No’ to Digicel Cayman plan

From Nation News Barbados Local loop unbundling is often touted as a regulatory measure to stimulate competition and provides benefits to an economy. But the regulatory authority in the Cayman Islands recently ruled there would be no benefits to the…

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One Caribbean Voice

…poised to launch streaming music service Simeon Sandiford shows his chart for One Caribbean Voice. “…Wait, do I know you?” asked Simeon Sandiford, cracking a smile, his salt-and-pepper hair and jovial laugh-lines the only visible signs of a man who…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iLocal News iWorld News News

Bahamas ZIP – 100% Bahamian owned venture to make its mark in GB’s tourism sector

From Bahama Islands Info 100% Bahamian Owned Venture to Make its Mark in GB’s Tourism Sector: The Taino Beach area is poised for a new recreational development as investors of the Arawak Adventures and Commercial Tours Limited hosted their official…

Editors Choice iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iWorld News News

Loeb Reinsurer says ‘Tough out there’ amid two-year share slump

By Sonali Basak From Bloomberg Executives at Dan Loeb’s reinsurer, which is headed for its second-straight annual decline in New York trading, told investors not to count on a quick rebound in the industry as competition intensifies. “It’s tough out…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iHealth iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

PAHO/WHO promotes safe, green and “smart” hospitals in the Caribbean

PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Washington, D.C., 11 September 2015 (PAHO/WHO) — Nearly 7 in 10 hospitals in Latin America and the Caribbean are located in disaster-prone areas, putting them at risk of becoming casualties themselves…

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Cybercriminals target Antigua and Barbuda bank accounts [NOTE: It could happen in your country, too]

From Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy Antigua and Barbuda September 9, 2015 | Press Releases The Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy wishes to issue a warning to the general public and to…