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OCG Statement in Response to Allegations and Threats Made by Contractor Group

Kingston; July 30, 2012 – The Office of the Contractor General (OCG) will not submit to the threats and ultimatums against the OCG and at its staff, which were made before, during and after a meeting on Saturday by a…

Bush replies to Governor in regards to the Governor’s Statement

From Premier of the Cayman Islands, Hon. McKeevea Bush I repeat what I said yesterday (26).  We have gone as far as we can go with the budget – this has been finalized. The FCO know the broad parameters of…

Watler says benefits’ cuts illegal

James Watler, president of the Cayman Islands Civil Service Association (CICSA), has sent a letter to the Deputy Governor’s office with copies to H.E Governor Duncan Taylor and CICSA Management Council, in which he says government had been advised to…

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St. Kitts to host 56th Royal Bank of Canada Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships

St. Kitts will host the 56th Royal Bank of Canada Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships. The August 5th to 12th tournament in St. Kitts is an OECS event and the RBC sponsor will once again be supporting the “Birdies for Charity”…

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Tax Evasion net tightens as Cayman Islands will share information

Now that a model agreement for international cooperation in chasing tax evaders is available to be duplicated country by country, even tax havens like the Cayman Islands will start signing up to share information that tax evaders would like to…

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Summer is for Interns

The week starting Monday, 30 July, GIS Spotlight revisits summer interns, examines climate change and refocuses on hurricane preparedness. Join us as we recall how government’s summer interns are able to translate their academic skill into hands-on experience. We highlight…

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Bermuda’s Premier hits back at Bush

(orig. “Cox hits back at Cayman Premier”) By Marcia Breen, The Royal Gazetteonline Premier Paula Cox last night accused Cayman Premier McKeeva Bush of making disparaging remarks about rival jurisdictions to cover up problems in his own country. Ms Cox…

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MLA Ezzard Miller’s response to the Premier’s statement on the Budget

From Radio Broadcast Friday 27th July Good evening Caymanians and expats, these are troubling and unstable times in our beloved Cayman Islands. The Premiers announcement on Wednesday July 25 that his UDP government intends to introduce direct income based taxation…

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Pinterest loves the Cayman Islands

Pinterest ( is an online pinboard where you can organise and share things you love. I found it by accident the other day when I was searching for stories that had a Cayman connection and I was pleasantly surprised to…

Tax for Cayman has made headlines all over the Internet world

There are so many articles concerning our premier’s announcement of a PROPOSED “Community Enhancement Fee” that fooled no one into believing it was nothing but a TAX, and Mr. Bush certainly got free publicity for the Cayman Islands. Unfortunately, it…