
iLocal News Archives


Another story on Cayman’s Enterprise City

Law firm Appleby helped move a client into a new special economic zone set up in the Cayman Islands where companies are exempt from work permits and taxes. In a bid to diversify and boost the economy, the Cayman Government…

Police helicopter crew obtain Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) certification

Four members of the RCIPS Air Operations Unit are now certified emergency medical responders – thanks to a joint initiative between the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority and the police. In addition, the Cayman Heart Fund has very generously donated…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

Opportunities for the Summer

Scores of young people are now undertaking summer internships throughout the Cayman Islands government. The continuing programme this year benefits 250 students who are in Year-10 or above, including those on government scholarships. Of these, six summer interns have been…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

Maples and Calder conflict of interest with Ritz Carlton

In a development concerning the receivership of The Ritz Carlton, Offshore Alert – the investigative website specialising in reporting about Offshore Financial Centres, owned by UK journalist David Marchant and based in Miami – sent us an alert under the…

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CIREBA Unclutters Real Estate Signs

The Cayman Islands Real Estate Brokers Association (CIREBA) makes an effort to streamline real estate signage, keeping the tropical paradise uncluttered and naturally beautiful. CIREBA is well known for their community involvement and support. The Association is de-cluttering real estate signs…

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As China’s growth slows, the world worries

Don’t look to China to head off the ongoing global economic slowdown. With the U.S. recovery stalling and much of Europe in recession, China remains the last major region keeping the global economy moving ahead. But there was fresh evidence…

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Was Singapore a good example for the Premier to use in his reasons for keeping the Cayman Islands multiple-voting systems?

In the very first referendum meeting called by Premier Hon. McKeeva Bush in his “education” of us the “uneducated” and still uneducated by all accounts, he gave two examples of countries that still use multiple-voting systems – Prince Edward Island…

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Cayman Islands makes msnbc’s list in “write ‘em off” article

This article appeared on msnbc’s website recently, written by Rajeshni Naidu-Ghelani, giving our little country even more publicity. Unfortunately they posted a photograph of the United Arab Emirates instead of our beautiful beaches with better palm trees. Countries with no…

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The fire at the Dump wasn’t actually the Dump

Despite being reported as such, the fire at the Dump that sent smoke billowing on Thursday over our capital, George Town, was not the landfill site on fire. When the fire crews arrived along Seymour Road (most residents call it…

OMOV debate won by its supporters but only because they were united

Thursday (12) evening at The Harquail Theatre was the venue for “Generation Now”, a panel debate on the One Man, One Vote (OMOV) and if it had been a contest, it would have seen an overwhelming win for the OMOV…