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Cayman Islands to be vice chair of COCTC

Curacao is the first chair of the executive body of the recently formed Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories Council (COCTC), a new body created to foster stronger relations between the several European Union (EU) dependencies in the Caribbean. The council…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

Next phase begins in CINICO satisfaction survey for civil servants and pensioners

Demonstrating its steadfast commitment to its members, CINICO is pleased to announce the second phase in its planned research programme, the launch of an online survey geared towards gauging the thoughts and opinions of its members who are civil servants,…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News News

Maples and Calder’s Krista-Lynn Wight Called to the Bar

The Hon. Justice Charles Quin QC admitted Krista-Lynn Wight to the bar as an attorney-at-law in the Grand Court on 25 April, before a large audience of Ms Wight’s family, friends and colleagues (resulting in a last minute move to…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

CDB to assist with CSME capacity building

The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is to administer funds equivalent to €3.45 million to help enhance the capacity of countries in the Region to further implementation of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME).  The beneficiaries will be CARICOM member…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Cayman Islands mentioned in BBC TV programme on tax avoidance

A recent BBC “Panorama” TV programme showed how giant multinationals, like Glaxo SmithKline are using overseas subsidiaries to avoid paying millions in pounds in tax. And instead of clamping down on it, British Chancellor George Osborne is relaxing the rules…

iBusiness iLocal News News

Top employer SteppingStones Co-Sponsors annual HR Conference

SteppingStones Recruitment, who recently captured a Cayman Islands Society of Human Resource Professionals (CISHRP) 2012 Top Employer Award, hosted a dynamic energiser session and cocktail reception at the CISHRP’s 9th Annual Conference held at the Ritz Carlton on Thursday, May…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News News

Cayman Islands youth urged to be agents of change

Minister of Education, Training and Employment in the Cayman Islands, the Hon. Rolston Anglin, has challenged young people to take the title of future leaders seriously, telling them they need to become agents of change in their community and ultimately…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

CUC announces declaration of dividend on Class A Ordinary Shares

Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. Class A Ordinary Shares are listed for trading In United States Funds on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (CUC) announced on Thu (17) that the Board of Directors has declared a dividend of…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Cayman Islands mentioned in India’s White paper on dealing with black money*

The government on Monday (21) tabled the much-awaited white paper on black money in Parliament, which did not disclose any name but made a strong case for setting up Lokpal and Lokayuktas to deal with the menace. The white paper,…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News

Cayman Islands blamed again for US “tax millions only for suckers”

This editorial appeared in the Concord Monitor concerning Facebook’s co-founder Eduardo Saverin’s decision to renounce his American citizenship. It is “fair game” for the Cayman Islands to be ridiculously linked to this but we are the flavor of the month(s)…