Bank Deleveraging: Opportunities Expected…
By Bob Parker, The Financialist Estimates from the IMF suggest that banks, predominantly in Europe, will reduce their balance sheets by just under US$4 trillion over the next two to three years. The main factors driving this de-leveraging are not…
Information Regarding the Financial Statements of HSH N Funding II for the Year Ended 31 December 2011
HSH N Funding II Incorporated on 26 May 2005 as an exempted company with limited liability under the laws of the Cayman Islands Registered Office: P.O.Box 309 Ugland House, South Church Street Grand Cayman KY1-1104 Cayman Islands…
Bush explains to PPM why he is absent
OFFICE OF THE PRESS SECRETARY TO THE PREMIER Response to PPM Executive Premier McKeeva Bush is currently in Asia representing the Cayman Islands on a number of levels, from making representations to the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer to promoting…
PPM slams Bush’s absence
In a press release on 16th October the People’s Progressive Movement (PPM) said they had “deep” concerns “with the ongoing absence of the Premier from the country.” They also said, ” Not only has the Premier been frequently absent for…
Gleaner Editorial and Wrong on Wong article in relation to OCG concerns
Gleaner Editorial – Jdip And The Drunken Sailors Published: Wednesday | October 10, 2012 When the auditor general, Pamela Monroe-Ellis, issued a report on the Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme (JDIP), we concluded that it was being run like drunken sailors…
O2Micro Extends Free Dimming(TM) Technology
O2Micro Extends Free Dimming(TM) Technology for the Global LED Lighting Market With New Continuous-Dimming Drivers OZ8024 and OZ8024R LED Driver Controllers Dim Using Any On/Off Switch and Provide Continuous Dimming, Stopping at Any Selected Level GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman, Oct….
Appointment of Baroness Scotland to the Judicial and Legal Services Commission
Released through Governor’s Office His Excellency the Governor, Duncan Taylor, CBE, is delighted to announce the appointment of Patricia Janet Scotland, The Rt Hon. the Baroness Scotland of Asthal, QC to the Judicial and Legal Services Commission under section 105(d)…
Cayman Islands Stock Exchange :
BRIT GROUP FINANCE : BRIT GROUP COMPLETES THE DIVESTMENT OF ITS LEGACY PORTFOLIO OF UK INSURANCE BUSINESS TO RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS 10/15/2012| 03:37pm US/Eastern Brit Group today announces that, following receipt of all regulatory approvals, it has completed the divestment of…
Anti-corruption Commission “Focus” newsletter
On 3rd July, 2012, David Baines, Commissioner of Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, and as Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), issued a Memo (see attached) to all Public Officials informing them of an ACC newsletter called “Focus”. The Memo…
Uncovering red flags in international finance
By David Marchant OffshoreAlert’s recent articles about the offshore-domiciled Axiom Legal Financing Fund demonstrate the importance of financial due diligence. By knowing where to look for information and how to interpret it properly, OffshoreAlert produced two substantial articles about red…