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AC goes down and students sweat

In a statement issued on Tuesday (15) the Cayman Islands Ministry of Education issued a statement informing us that the new Clifton Hunter High School in North Side was experiencing issues with the a/c system and repairs were underway. However,…

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Cayman Turtle Farm celebrates last nesting by a tagged turtle

The discovery of a turtle nest earlier this month, the last of the 2012 nesting season, at the Grand View apartments on Grand Cayman’s Seven Mile Beach, has delighted staff at the Cayman Turtle Farm because the nesting turtle was…

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Blue Squash Takes on GW in the Cayman Islands

The Wellesley College squash team returned home from their winter training trip this weekend, after several days in Grand Cayman. The Blue’s trip included a match against George Washington University, with Wellesley falling 9-0. The Blue were overmatched against a…

CIASA Splash, Dash & Dine Sea Swims a Resounding Success

CIASA, Grand Cayman, 13 January 2013: Olympians Liam Tancock, Caitlin McClatchey and Conor Dwyer took to the sea off World Famous Seven Mile Beach this past weekend as part of the Cayman Island Amateur Swimming Association’s (CIASA) fund raising weekend….

Caribbean real estate market makes push for international appeal

By Chad Clinton Communications Manager, Americas (RICS) Although the Caribbean has long been seen as a place to soak up the sun, in recent years there has been a surge in interest in from large US corporations and foreign investors…

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C4C wants a UK Town Council type government for Cayman

Over sandwiches, sodas and water, the Coalition For Cayman (C4C) met members of Cayman’s media on Tuesday (15) to present their picture of what the C4C is about and to answer questions. James Bergstrom, chairman of the C4C, gave a…

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Lasting Protection for Children

The Children Law (2012 Revision) and its accompanying Regulations seek to protect children, their well-being and their individual rights. The Department of Children and Family Services together with the Ministry of Community Affairs, Gender and Housing along with other stakeholders…

CISPA Supports Maths in Government Schools

Since the start of this academic year, the Ministry of Education has introduced a programme called Maths Recovery in Government Primary Schools.  Maths Recovery allows teachers to diagnose children’s difficulties and to provide intense individual support.  The training also enables…

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Cayman Islands Health Services Authority and NRC Picker

15 January 2013. (Grand Cayman).  The Cayman Islands Health Services Authority (HSA) is partnering with NRC Picker to better understand the patient experience and quality of care issues as seen through the eyes of the HSA’s patients. The HSA’s mission…