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Cayman Islands team may be a surprise factor in j/22 Worlds

(Le Crouesty, France)- With twenty-six teams attending from Netherlands, Germany, France and the Cayman Islands and, for the first time, no Americans sailing, the J/22 Worlds were certain to establish new leaders on the world stage. Sailing in the gorgeous,…

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Cayman Islands features on ‘Good Morning Texas’ Fourth of July Special

Cayman Islands Department of Tourism have asked us to share with you a link to Wednesday morning’s Fourth of July special, that aired on the Good Morning Texas show, prominently featuring the Cayman Islands. Good Morning Texas is the ABC…

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Bush announces “Ironwood” project to “Go East”

It has been announced that Eagle Assets Management will be creating an “Ironwood” community over a period of six years in an area of 430 acres that will span the two districts of North Side and East End. The news…

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Record July temperatures expected for USA. Tropics quiet

There are at the time of writing this (Wed July 4) portions of 17 states in America under heat advisories for dangerously high temperatures. Last Friday (June 29) there was an incredible derecho event that left over 1.4 million people…

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The Sea, a living canvas by: Fiona Pimentel

The Sea, a living canvas   This morning, I watched a display, put on just for me, a living canvas of so many blues, with sprites bright like snow, leaping up, as joyfully as lambs. They paused, suspended in air,…

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Cayman Islands blamed for UK’s tax burdens

I have recently republished articles and views that have appeared in reputable news sources that have shown the Cayman Islands in a bad light including now the oft called “nefarious” and “notorious” Islands. However, none can compare to this posting…

Popular TV host on social issues takes reins of ICCI

Best known as a TV host and producer for her work on “Let’s Talk to the Experts” on Cayman 27, Dr. Tasha Ebanks Garcia will become the new president of the International College of the Cayman Islands starting in mid-July….

Lost: Missing evidence

It was not surprising that Justice Alex Henderson overturned defendant, Eduardo Swaby-Gutierrez conviction on October 2011 of possessing 21 grams of cocaine with intent to supply. At the Summary Court trial, chief magistrate Margaret Ramsey Hale had sentenced Swaby-Gutierrez to…

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10 Signs You Should Detox Your Life

By Tina Tessina, DivineCaroline* Many of my clients come in with complaints about personal habits that feel toxic in their lives. Just as you can detox your body when you’re feeling sluggish, it’s also possible to detox your emotional life….

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2012 Olympic Day 5K Run/Walk

The Olympic Day 5K Run/Walk took place Sunday June 24th, commenced at the Truman Bodden Sport Complex at 5pm. Lori Powell, Vice President of the CIOC, spoke of the significance of Olympic Day prior to the race start and took…