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Cancer Awareness Weekend

The Cayman Islands Cancer Society is organizing Conquering Cancer II – Let’s Fight Cancer Together – a series of cancer awareness activities for both health professionals and the general public on 9th and 10th of September. Every two years the…

iCommunity News

Golf pros top tips during fundraiser

Visitors to North Side Golf Club were given an extra boost – golfing lessons from professions Mark McNulty and Nick Price. The pair came to the Islands to take part in the Cayman Red Cross Golf Tournament which has been…

iCommunity News

Lime event is really fun 4(G) all the family!

It was the perfect Saturday afternoon combination. Sun, sea, sand and some very smiley faces! Visitors to Royal Palms were treated to an afternoon of entertainment, thanks to mobile giants, Lime. As well as free food – and free beer…

Editors Choice iCommunity News

Youth facility will adopt “radically different” philosophy, minister says

A brand new facility, offering a new approach for the treatment of at-risk 12-18 year olds is scheduled to be built adjacent to Fairbanks prison. Senior representatives from the Ministry of Community Affairs, Gender and Housing, including Hon Minister Mike…

iCommunity News

Learn to sashay down the catwalk the FRESH! Way

Budding Naomi Campbells get ready because Cayman National Cultural Foundation (CNCF) is presenting a training workshop for wannabe young models on the island. The FRESH! Cayman Couture season continues with a CNCF Fashion Model Catwalk Training Workshop, which is scheduled…

Mark arrives for charity golf day

Professional golfer Mark McNulty has landed in Cayman – and is ready to get into the swing of things! The Irish/Zimbabwean pro is taking part in the Cayman Islands Red Cross golf tournament which tees off at the North Sound…

iCommunity News

ECCE Unit Sets Strategic Direction

While attending the recent Early Childhood Care and Education Unit (ECCE) launch, some 40 representatives from pre-schools and nurseries heard that work was already underway on legislation and regulations governing early childhood care and education. Education Minister, the Hon. Rolston…

Fashion for a cause

The RoofTop Bar hosted a sparkling catwalk show of Diana Uylett’s, also known as ‘Bobsy’, designs to raise money for her cancer treatment. The sophisticated dresses and chic lines raised over CI$6000 for the Caymanian designer who is currently in…

Editors Choice iCommunity News

After-School Programme Teaches Heritage

The Honoutrable Premier McKeeva Bush, in conjunction with Cayman Traditional Arts, is pleased to announce the launch of a new after-school cultural programme – “Bringing Heritage to Life”. The after-school programme is comprised of three courses, spanning 12 weeks each:…

iCommunity News

Music camp helps kids

Bells, drums and tambourines are simple percussion instruments, but for a group of 17 special needs children they were both music makers and therapy tools that made a huge difference in their summer. The children participated with their siblings in…