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Welcoming ceremony hit the spot

by Ronald Shillingford London has been basking in sunshine all week and the extra warmth created by all the goodwill of hosting the Olympics radiates everywhere. On Thursday the Games organisers had a series of welcoming ceremonies for countries and…

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Is Your Relationship with Trees on the Rocks?

By Sarene Marshall, The Nature Conservancy Given my work for a global conservation organization and my residence in a neighborhood filled with massive oaks, maples and hickories, it shouldn’t be surprising that my family and I are fond of trees….

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UWC’s Blue Jack Night fundraiser on Sat (28)

The UWC Cayman Islands is holding its signature fundraising event, Blue Jack Night, this Saturday, with all proceeds going towards the education of outstanding students at one of 13 United World College campuses worldwide. UWC Cayman Islands is a charitable…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News News

Bats helped after Hurricane Ivan hit the Cayman Islands

Strong hurricanes have been known to wipe out bird and bat populations, but a new study has discovered a silver lining in those storm clouds. Hurricanes may actually blow helpless bats in the Caribbean from one island to another, eventually…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

CUC press Release entitled “Outage Update”

Electricity has been restored to all customers across Grand Cayman. As you are aware, we experienced a major power outage yesterday (July 25th). This outage was the result of a fault which occurred on the transmission system at the Hydesville…

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Nine Olympic Athletes Banned for Doping Offenses

A total of nine athletes, including Olympic bronze medalist Nataliya Tobias, have tested positive for “sophisticated doping” offenses, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has confirmed. Six of those athletes were caught using a new “biological passport” method, which…

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Betting terminals: dangerously addictive? A 20second game makes huge profits

Two related stories by Alice Ross appeared on the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) about the surge in turbo-charged roulette wheels that have transformed UK’s betting industry. We publish both of them (one is an infographic) as a warning in…

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Frequent visitor to Cayman, Blackbeard to perform in Machipongo

Frequent visitor to Cayman, Blackbeard to perform in Machipongo On Saturday, Aug. 4, from 10-11 a.m. Blackbeard the Pirate will perform at the Barrier Islands Center. Actor Ben Cherry’s love of the sea and the lore that surrounds it drew…

Law Firm Dress Down Days Benefit Cancer Society

Ritch & Conolly donate $1,000 to Cancer Society 25 July, George Town, Cayman Islands – Following several weeks of contributions, local law firm Ritch & Conolly today announce a donation of $1,000 to the Cayman Islands Cancer Society. The funds…

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Hotline for Labour and Pensions

Employees can now report infractions by their employers to a telephone hotline/tipline at the Department of Labour and Pensions. The Department has installed a new telephone “hotline/tipline”, for the purpose of receiving confidential information on Labour or Pension laws violations….