Governor officially prorogues Cayman Islands current LA sitting
Cayman Islands Governor, Duncan Taylor officially prorogued the current session of the Legislative Assembly (LA) last Wednesday (20). Leader of the People’s Progressive Movement (PPM), Alden McLaughlin, along with his fellow opposition MLA’s boycotted the Friday, 15 June, gathering of…
“That’s My Boy” movie has ended its run at Hollywood Theatres
Caymanian Child Support Worker, Marilyn Conolly, called for a boycott of a movie that was playing at Cayman’s Camana Bay Hollywood Theatres last Wednesday (20) on CITN/Cayman27 local television news programme The film she wanted boycotted is American comedian Adam…
NDC Observes International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Substance use has a detrimental effect on the prosperity and health of all nations and is well recognised as a significant barrier to both teaching and learning. It has been associated with a host of high-risk behaviours including crime, illiteracy,…
Cayman Island resource managers learn how to manage threats to coral reefs
Resource managers are faced with environmental changes that threaten the health and vitality of coral reef ecosystems as a result of expanding coastal development, tourism and new industries in many Caribbean nations. To assist coral reef resource managers in their…
Stuff you didn’t know you didn’t know!
Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. Coca-Cola was originally green. It is impossible to lick your elbow. The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska The percentage of Africa that is…
PLP: Richards way off base on Cayman term limits
Public Relations Officer for the Progressive Labour Party Curtis Williams fired back yesterday on the Shadow Minister of Finance’s call for the lifting of term limits in Bermuda. One Bermuda Alliance MP ET Bob Richards on Monday suggested Bermuda would…
Latest CPI figures released and costs are rising
The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures have just been released by government and although inflation (despite the recession) increased only marginally (0.1%) compared to 2011 we, here in the Cayman Islands, spend a lot more on fuel (6.4%). These…
St. George’s Church Annual June Fair
If you want a fun time for the whole family then you can’t go wrong visiting the Annual June Fair this Sat (23) at St. George’s Anglican Church, Courts Road (near Cox Lumber) off Eastern Ave., George Town. The Fair…
Maples and Calder makes big donation to UWC Cayman Islands
UWC Cayman Islands is pleased to announce the donation of US$25,000 by the Maples Foundation to support its scholarship programme. Each year, UWC Cayman Islands selects outstanding students from a pool of academically talented and service-oriented Caymanian applicants to attend…
Deutsche Bank maintains significant support of UWC Cayman Islands
UWC Cayman Islands has recently received a generous donation of US$20,000 from Deutsche Bank (Cayman Islands) Limited to help support its scholarship programme for exceptional Caymanian students. Deutsche Bank began its support to mark UWC Cayman Islands’ 25th anniversary in…